
Stellarium 0.13.1 has been released!

The Stellarium development team after 3 months of development is proud to announce the first correcting release of Stellarium in series 0.13.x - version 0.13.1.

This release brings few new features and fixes:
- Added: Light layer for old_style landscapes
- Added: Auto-detect location via network lookup.
- Added: Seasonal rules for displaying constellations
- Added: Coordinates can be displayed as decimal degrees (LP: #1106743)
- Added: Support of multi-touch gestures on Windows 8 (LP: #1165754)
- Added: FOV on bottom bar can be displayed in DMS rather than fractional degrees (LP: #1361582)
- Added: Oculars plugins support eyepieces with permanent crosshairs (LP: #1364139)
- Added: Pointer Coordinates Plugin can displayed not only RA/Dec (J2000.0) (LP: #1365784, #1377995)
- Added: Angle Measure Plugin can measure positional angles to the horizon now (LP: #1208143)
- Added: Search tool can search position not only for RA/Dec (J2000.0) (LP: #1358706)
- Fixed: Galactic plane renamed to correct: Galactic equator (LP: #1367744)
- Fixed: Speed issues when computing lots of comets (LP: #1350418)
- Fixed: Spherical mirror distortion work correctly now (LP: #676260, #1338252)
- Fixed: Location coordinates on the bottom bar displayed correctly now (LP: #1357799)
- Fixed: Ecliptic coordinates for J2000.0 and grids diplayed correctly now (LP: #1366567, #1369166)
- Fixed: Rule for select a celestial objects (LP: #1357917)
- Fixed: Loading extra star catalogs (LP: #1329500, #1379241)
- Fixed: Creates spurious directory on startup (LP: #1357758)
- Fixed: Various GUI/rendering improvements (LP: #1380502, #1320065, #1338252, #1096050, #1376550, #1382689)
- Fixed: "missing disk in drive <whatever>" (LP: #1371183)

A huge thanks to our community whose contributions help to make Stellarium better!

Posted by Alexander Wolf 2014-10-19

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