
Stellarium developers meet in Munich

On April 25th the Stellarium developers met in Munich, after years of working together via the web. The meeting was sponsored by ESO, the European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere, who operate observational facilities in Chile, namely La Silla and the Very Large Telescope (VLT) array at Paranal. They have their headquarters in Garching, near Munich.

ESO became interested in using Stellarium as a way to offer their enormous archives of sky data to professional astronomers in an attractive and easy to use program, and they hired project founder Fabien Chereau who is now working full-time on Stellarium.

The meeting was used to talk about the upcoming version 0.9.0, and the features that are needed to reach version 1.0. You can view this list of development items using Google Docs at

Posted by Johan Meuris 2007-05-01

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