
Its wrong!

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-05-30

    Firstly I notice that this forum appears to have been abandoned - therefore posts may be pointless. I have been using Stellarium for some time but have suspected the output of being wrong. I have now comnpared the screen with Guide-8 and confirmed that the screen display is one hour out. I have checked and confirmed that it is set to system date/time and this is currently BST (=GMT+1). My locations is stored correctly.

  • barrykgerdes

    barrykgerdes - 2014-05-31

    This forum is moderated. If you post anonymously your post may not appear for days depending on moderator action. If you register correctly to this forum posts will appear immediately.

    If your display does not agree with your view your system time, time zone, date, location may be in error. Open the time zone plugin and see that you are using the system parameters and not some other record.

    The forum is quite active but queries are often not answered because of lack of information about your system. For quick replies always provide details from the log file, version of stellarium, type of computer, video display etc.


  • patrocinio vazquez

    la pantalla salta rapidamente con destellos de forma triangular y no es posible detener el programa y no se ve el menu. sera que me falta algun complemento? tengo windows 7 basic home en una laptop, baje las versiones 12.4 y 12.3 y hacen el mismo efecto.