
Improvements to v0.13

  • Luxorion

    Luxorion - 2014-08-02


    First, let me congratulate you and your development team for Stellarium. It is a very interesting product for both novice and advanced amateur astronomers.

    In using Stellarium v0.13 under Windows 7, I have noted some possible improvements.

    Here is my list :

    • most DSO including small galaxies are represented as drawed ellipses or circles instead of their real telescopic aspect as fuzzy blops or ellipses. It is really a pity.
    • many well-known bright or dark nebula (like NGC7000) are not available as picture
    • some pictures are outdated or not in high resolution
    • atlas should be included as catalog to browse (all list of Messier, NGC, IC per number)
    • the aspect of saturn ring in a small telescope or at low power is not correct (too small, almost invisible) while it is in reality
    • the moon surface is not displayed in high resolution at the eyepiece and remain fuzzy. Why not using the Clementine HD images ?
    • the magnitude of satellites is not available
    • meteors trails remain on screen and are not evanescent and are not erased (say max after 1 minute)
    • the star aspect and scintillation look too artificial and not slow enough even set to 0.2 or 0.3
    • You should allow users to display functions or button as objects on screen (possibility to display them as moving objects or aligned on top, at right, etc)

    Hope this helps,

    Kind regards,


    • Alexander Wolf

      Alexander Wolf - 2014-08-02

      most DSO including small galaxies are represented as drawed ellipses or circles instead of their real telescopic aspect as fuzzy blops or ellipses. It is really a pity.

      it's in our TODO list

      many well-known bright or dark nebula (like NGC7000) are not available as picture

      Are you have picture of NGC7000 under free license?

      some pictures are outdated or not in high resolution

      How much hundreds megabytes or gigabytes should be Stellarium for you?

      atlas should be included as catalog to browse (all list of Messier, NGC, IC per number)

      Which atlas? How it should be work?

      the aspect of saturn ring in a small telescope or at low power is not correct (too small, almost invisible) while it is in reality

      What you mean?

      the moon surface is not displayed in high resolution at the eyepiece and remain fuzzy. Why not using the Clementine HD images ?

      For Moon you should use specialized software, or, in other words, how much hundreds megabytes or gigabytes should be Stellarium for you?

      the magnitude of satellites is not available

      What you mean?

      meteors trails remain on screen and are not evanescent and are not erased (say max after 1 minute)

      What you mean? It work without problems for me.

      the star aspect and scintillation look too artificial and not slow enough even set to 0.2 or 0.3

      You can disable it if you don't like this feature.

      You should allow users to display functions or button as objects on screen (possibility to display them as moving objects or aligned on top, at right, etc)

      What you mean?

  • barrykgerdes

    barrykgerdes - 2014-08-03

    Here are is an enlarged catalogue of DSO photos


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2014-11-02

      Hi. How do you apply these to the program? Thanks

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-08-03

    Thanks for the zip Barry. I will test it immediately.
    - Pictures : I think that it is easy to find on the web images of DSO free of right for educational products. Even NASA and ESO provide them
    - Missing images vs space disk ? : gigabytes are not a real issue. Many illusrated magazines stand on 1 or 2 DVD, many software some in several CD with their associated databses, and most hardisks come today with 1 or 2 TB if not more, and for a few hundreds bucks
    - Atlas : I mean a online catalog available in a popup windows listing all Messier, NGC, IC per number (messier can even be dsplayed as small pictures 50x50 or 100x100 pxiels), instead of having to type a number or to know the english name of the DSO
    - saturn ring : I mean that if you look at your program and in a small scope the look of the ring is not the same at all
    - moon surface : it is not necessary to use specialized software. You can simply add a large mosaic from Clementine, some hunddreds MB of disk space
    - the magnitude of artificial satellites : it is not available while NASA can compute it from its shape and distance, and angle to the sun of the satellite
    - meteors trails remain : if you have not that issue it is probably my nvidia GTX770 card but I doubt. I can remove the trace when I change of view.
    - the star aspect and scintillation look too artificial : I don't want to remove it but that is is more realictic. deleting a feature is not a solution.

    • Alexander Wolf

      Alexander Wolf - 2014-08-03

      Pictures : I think that it is easy to find on the web images of DSO free of right for educational products.

      it not compatible with GPL

      saturn ring : I mean that if you look at your program and in a small scope the look of the ring is not the same at all


      moon surface : it is not necessary to use specialized software. You can simply add a large mosaic from Clementine, some hunddreds MB of disk space

      hundreds MB? around 5GB

      the magnitude of artificial satellites : it is not available while NASA can compute it from its shape and distance, and angle to the sun of the satellite

      are you enabled "realistic mode" in Satellites plugin settings?

      the star aspect and scintillation look too artificial : I don't want to remove it but that is is more realictic. deleting a feature is not a solution.

      0.2 is fine for me.

      A last detail, the light pollution "calculated" from an external database is not correct. In fact it is if I looked at the sky from the center of the city ! Who llok at the sky at such a location ?

      Because we use coordinates of the center of the city. If this values is wrong then write correct values for us.

      I can confirm that in the field I can easily see stars up to magnitude 5 or dimmer and the Milky Way too. So the light pollution is 1 or 2 maximum, so 3 or 6 time lower.

      light pollution is 3 or 4 is more plausible for europe

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-08-03

    A last detail, the light pollution "calculated" from an external database is not correct.
    In fact it is if I looked at the sky from the center of the city ! Who llok at the sky at such a location ?
    I observe the sky from several site of observation in Luxembourg and belgium located at about 15 km from highways and about 250-350m high far from citi lights.
    Locally I see a glare along the horizon but it stops around 15-20° high. If I use your default settings, the light pollution is maximum, 6, for both locations and I can only see the brightest stars...
    I can confirm that in the field I can easily see stars up to magnitude 5 or dimmer and the Milky Way too. So the light pollution is 1 or 2 maximum, so 3 or 6 time lower.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-08-03

    OK for the artificial satellites, I checked my settings, download all possible tle and set the realistic view to display the visual magnitude.
    Ok also for the meteors, now the trail is vanishing correctly.
    Ok also for the light pollution, which values are compatible with a sky that you looked at from the center of a city (not sure it is a nice place to practice field astronomy).

    I don't understand why you don't want or cannot add new DSO images (at least all well-know ones that are currently not included in the pack or the additional zip) except to limit the application to ~250 MB or so (I checked on my HD after installed Barry's zip).
    At a time where the price of the GB is peanuts and where most computers have a HD of 500 GB or larger than 1 or 2 TB, I don't really understand.
    Many applications need much more than some hundreds MB of disk space. Even 1 GB of disk space is became a common configuration nowadays (e.g. I just installed a 2.5 GB astronomy software (AVL) and I still have free space).

    Anyway, for the images, I am sure that many advanced astrophotographers can provide you HD images for free. I see that the default directory includes images in PNG format. It is easy to convert any public image in PNG using e.g. Photoshop.
    If not, what is the issue with the OpenGL ?


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-08-08

    So why don't you make a complete collection and provide it to all users? Even if you find the images and they are free, cleaning, configuring etc. will be lots of work.