
How to use a script ?

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    First a big thanx for this new release !

    I just went into the text user interface to use a script but didn't manage to load one.

    I read the docs/commands.html page of the CVS but didn't find any information about how to use a script.

    • Do have I to write the commands in a txt document ?
    • Then under what format do have I to save the file ?
    • And then, how to load it in Stellarium ?

    Thanks again !


    • Rob Spearman

      Rob Spearman - 2005-09-11

      Our sample scripts were accidentally left out of the windows release.

      You can grab two from:

      Put the .sts files (must be lowercase .sts) in a data\scripts directory under the stellarium install directory. Then if you restart stellarium they should show up under the text menu as local scripts.

      You can write scripts with a text editor, or record your own through stellarium by hitting CTRL-R to start and stop recording. It will put the script into stellarium0.sts, stellarium1.sts, etc. in your "My Documents" folder or equivalent.

      See docs\commands.html for a list of valid script commands.

      • Paolo Amoroso

        Paolo Amoroso - 2005-09-12

        The file docs/commands.html is not included in the stellarium-0.7.0.tar.gz source distribution archive, but is available via CVS. Is it necessary to report this as a bug?

        Paolo Amoroso

      • Paolo Amoroso

        Paolo Amoroso - 2005-09-13

        I recorded a macro with CTRL-R, and it got saved in ~/stellarium0.sts on my Linux system. But the new macro does not show up in the scripts section of the text menu, not even if I restart Stellarium.

        Paolo Amoroso

        • Rob Spearman

          Rob Spearman - 2005-09-13

          You need to copy it to the stellarium/data/scripts directory.

          We should add a user level script directory, but haven't gotten to it yet.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      That works perfectly.

      Thanks again !
