
Powerbook G4 LCD afterimage/burn-in?

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Hi, on the above mentioned machine, I cannot run Stellarium in windowed mode, sleep does not activate, nor does the screen saver. As such, I am prohibited form using the program as I would like, lest I destroy my monitor. Anyone know why Stellarium kills Mac OS X's system screensaver utility, or how to change this condition?

    • Dawoon Jung

      Dawoon Jung - 2006-05-13

      For now, you can try making sure that Display sleep is set to activate (in the Energy Saver system preferences).

    • Matthew Gates

      Matthew Gates - 2006-05-13

      You don't want Stellarium permanently burned onto your screen? What's wrong with you?! ;)

    • Johan Meuris

      Johan Meuris - 2006-05-13

      Image burn-in is physically impossible on LCD monitors as LCD's don't use phosphor to generate the image, and it is very rare in modern CRT monitors as well.
      Nowadays, screensavers are just there to entertain us.