waldo kitty - 2014-01-09

On 1/8/2014 9:05 AM, Alexander Wolf wrote:

Guys, this feature request is stupid in my humble opinion and it really annoying
me. I think this feature shouldn't be included in main application. In any case
for those fellas, who want it I created a plugin, which gives stepwise zooming
like in Cartes du Ciel planetarium via keyboard shortcuts Crtl+Alt+[0..9].
Values of those 10 "steps" are editable.

This plugin named "Field of View" and proposed by me to merging for trunk.

thank you! at least from this one person who has desired such for a very long
time and just never asked hoping that it would appear in the next version...

FWIW: while i do have Cartes du Ciel and most other available astronomy and
satellite related programs, i don't like them as well as i do stellarium... that
mainly for stellarium's realistic sky view... as a long time pascal programmer,
i can only hope to create half as nice a program in the future but it is on the
bucket list ;)

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