
wraping / distortion

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    On the website of Paul Bourke ( I found the description to project stellarium via an spherical mirror instead of using an expensive fisheye lens. Paul Bourke writes, that he is using a customized version of Stellarium to show a predistorted image.
    Now, in version 7.0.1 I found the expression "distortion" in the config.ini. Has that something to do with it- and if not: will this kind of projection be included in one of the next versions?

    Keep going, Stellarium is just amazing!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I too would love to see the ability to warp the fisheye image so one could project using a spherical mirror. The folks at Digitalises have done a wonderful job with their planetarium system, but it's still too expensive for the backyard planetarium. Projecting from a spherical mirror would be fantastic

    • Rob Spearman

      Rob Spearman - 2005-09-19

      I've seen his screenshots, but he hasn't submitted any patches to us to add this projection.