
StarWebService / News: Recent posts

An CORBA-Application Gateway will be released soon

An CORBA-Application Gateway which support the wrapper of Web Services as CORBA objects will be released soon. It is partially comformance to the OMG's "WSDL/SOAP to CORBA interworking" specification which was just become a formal spec. in Apirl, this year.

Posted by Bin Zhou 2004-09-17

StarWebService Blog was built recently

We have established a Blog on the StarWebService related affairs. You can visit it at

Posted by Bin Zhou 2004-09-12

StarWebService 2.0.2 DataSheet

A datasheet is added to the StarWebService 2.0.2 release.

Posted by Bin Zhou 2004-09-12

StarWebService 2.0.2 is now released!

StarWebService 2.0.2 is now released for download. It is based on Apache Axis 1.1 and support Web Services built on CORBA technique and JMS. It also support XACML for access control.

Posted by Bin Zhou 2004-08-14

Open Web Service Engine--starWS 1.0 released!

StarWebService is an open-source SOAP engine based on Apache SOAP v2.2, enhanced with the capability of wrapping back-end CORBA systems as Web Services and the flexibility of service management. It implements the OMG CORBA Web Services Specification.
more , the StarWS 2.0 based on AXIS will be released!please pay attention .you can mail to or

Posted by liubixin 2004-04-08