
Staff Holiday Manager / News: Recent posts

0.2.0 is finally here!

Well, it's here! No it's not an enormous leap forward in terms of features but it does seem to be much more stable!

The new admin interface is much better and I will now be working on improving the look of the user end of the program.

The user creation script is also enrmously improved.

Posted by Reuben Thompson 2005-05-16

0.2 status update

I have most of the niggling annoyances in 0.1 now ironed out - there is
* support for bank holidays that actually works properly
* an improved and more secure user creation scheme,
* weekends not appearing as weekdays unless specified as such
* no stupid screens telling you something won't list anyone who hasn't booked any holiday
* more than one person taking the day off from a group

left to do:... read more

Posted by Reuben Thompson 2005-03-26

Finally fixed that bug!

0.1.5b has fixed all the dumb date bugs properly!

Watch this space for some new features over the weekend.

Posted by Reuben Thompson 2005-03-01

And now comes 0.1.5

Quite a few changes this time! I am expecting to have another incremental for you featuring multiple absences concurrently within the next week or so. Please note that with 0.1.5 you WILL need to install the new version of the SQL file - BACK UP YOUR DATA FIRST!

* Fixed annoying unbooking the wrong day bug

* Added support for bank holidays

* Added support for new years

* Fixed summary page in admin... read more

Posted by Reuben Thompson 2004-12-30

Another incremental

Okay, another incremental release... not the big one we were hoping for...

Nonetheless, I've added a calendar view for admin. I've been a mite busy lately with other things I'm afraid. More over Christmas I hope as I will have more time.

Posted by Reuben Thompson 2004-12-13

New features for next release

I've got some good new features for the next release (I might even make it 0.2...)

* More than one person in a group up to a limit off on a day

* Support for which days are worked (ie not Weekends for a given group)

* Support for Bank Holidays automatically booked off

* A better calendar view

* More friendly messages

* Admin Calendar View

* Reports

* Reminder emails

* Quick add users

* Carry forward of holiday to a new year, and pre booking of holiday for next year... read more

Posted by Reuben Thompson 2004-11-18

Documentation Added

Okay, it may not be the world's most verbose documentation, but it should get you through installing configuring and using the software!

Posted by Reuben Thompson 2004-11-11

Okay, a proper release!

Right, I now have a working PHP version up for you...

Next week will see me add some fancier features and proper docs, but I'm aiming it to be a drop in replacement of a few scripts.

Posted by Reuben Thompson 2004-10-31

New admin interface

New admin interface uploaded. This is PHP based and much better than the previous one! Passwords are also no longer sent in every page as plaintext.

I hope to get a php version of the user interface out this week as well! Fingers crossed and all...

Posted by Reuben Thompson 2004-10-30

First release

Okay, first release... not perfect but it's a start!

Posted by Reuben Thompson 2004-10-09