
#761 How to configure my custom service to call my own jar package


I added a external service in the STAF (Software Test Automation Framework), the service execution need to call my own jar package. My own jar package has a Class (like: org.omg.corba.orb),but in the Java SE Development Kit includes the same Class ( org.omg.corba.orb).
My question: how to configure in the STAF,let the external service can find the Class (org.omg.corba.orb) in my own jar,but in the JDK.
The STAF has or not the configuration like the "-Xbootclasspath/p:<directories>" configuration,


  • Sharon Lucas

    Sharon Lucas - 2015-03-27

    The STAF Service Developer's Guide talks about how to package nested jar files within your STAF service's jar file. If your service requires additional jar files, rather than having your service users download the jar file and add it to the CLASSPATH, you can nest the additional jar files within your service's jar file. Is this what you want to do? If so, see sub-section "How to Package Nested Jar Files" in section "5.2 Building a Java STAF Service" in the STAF Service Developer's Guide at

    Also, note that when you register a STAF Java service (e.g. in the STAF.cfg file or dynamically via the STAF SERVICE ADD request), you can specify Java options using J2=<Java option=""> to specify one or more arbitrary Java option(s) that should be passed to the JVM. Could this help you? For more information, see sub-section "4.4.2 JSTAF service proxy library" in section "4.4 Service Registration" in the STAF User's Guide at

  • Sharon Lucas

    Sharon Lucas - 2015-05-06
    • summary: How to configurethe my own jar in STAF(Software Test Automation Framework) --> How to configure my custom service to call my own jar package
    • assigned_to: Sharon Lucas
    • Group: Future --> Next
  • Sharon Lucas

    Sharon Lucas - 2015-05-06

    I'm closing this feature request as resolved as I'm assuming the documentation I referenced answered your question on how to do this since you haven't posted a response.

  • Sharon Lucas

    Sharon Lucas - 2015-05-06
    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me

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