
#1473 OutOfMemoryError installing using IA 2011 FP4 on Solaris x86

Install (167)

After changing to use InstallAnywhere 2011 FP 4 instead of IA 2010, the STAF IA installations fail on Solaris x86 and FreeBSD with an OutOfMemoryError and the installation does not begin. Opened Flexera Support Incident Report #SIOC-000133386 "Install fails on Solaris x86 and FreeBSD". Provided debug install logs to Flexera to investigate.

For now, we're continuing to use IA 2010 to build IA on Solaris x86 and FreeBSD instead of IA 2011 FP 4.


  • Sharon Lucas

    Sharon Lucas - 2012-11-02

    Flexera discovered that setting _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx1g (when using a Sun JVM) before running the STAF installer on Solaris x86 and FreeBSD works around this problem and allows the STAF install to work. For example:

    # _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx1g
    # export _JAVA_OPTIONS
    # ./STAF3411-setup-solaris-x86.bin -i console

    Waiting to hear if there is something Flexera can do to fix this issue so that the user does not have to set the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable before running the STAF installer on Solaris x86 and FreeBSD.

  • Sharon Lucas

    Sharon Lucas - 2012-11-12

    Running the installer on Solaris x86 using a Sun 1.7 JVM works just fine.
    This problem only occurs if using a 1.5 JVM. When using a 1.7 JVM to install the NoJVM installer, the installation works fine. So, it appears the best solution is to change to bundle the 1.7 JVM in the installer (instead of a 1.5 JVM) and to document the workaround to set _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx1g for anyone using the non-bundled installer with a Sun 1.5 JVM.

  • Sharon Lucas

    Sharon Lucas - 2012-12-12

    Here's a cvs diff of the changes to the STAF Installation Guide:

    Index: STAFInstall.xml

    RCS file: /cvsroot/staf/src/staf/docs/installguide/STAFInstall.xml,v
    retrieving revision 1.72
    diff -r1.72 STAFInstall.xml
    > <para>
    > On FreeBSD platforms when using an InstallAnywhere installer file,
    > if you get a Java OutOfMemoryError which prevents the installation from
    > starting, you may need to increase the maximum Java heap size by setting
    > the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable to 1 gigabyte before starting the
    > installation as follows:
    > <programlisting>
    > # export _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx1g
    > # ./STAF3412-setup-freebsd.bin -i console
    > </programlisting>
    > This Java OutOfMemoryError has been seen on FreeBSD when using Java 1.5.
    > Another workaround when using the FreeBSD InstallAnywhere NoJVM installer
    > file is to use Java 1.7 instead of Java 1.5 as the JVM.
    > </para>
    > <para>
    > On Solaris x86 platforms when using an InstallAnywhere installer file,
    > if you get a Java OutOfMemoryError which prevents the installation from
    > starting, you may need to increase the maximum Java heap size by setting
    > the _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable to 1 gigabyte before starting the
    > installation as follows:
    > <programlisting>
    > # _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx1g
    > # export _JAVA_OPTIONS
    > # ./STAF3412-setup-solaris-x86.bin -i console
    > </programlisting>
    > This Java OutOfMemoryError has been seen on Solaris x86 when using Java 1.5.
    > Another workaround when using the Solaris x86 InstallAnywhere NoJVM installer
    > file is to use Java 1.7 instead of Java 1.5 as the JVM.
    > </para>

    The Solaris x86 InstallAnywhere installer files will be changed to be built using Java 1.7 instead of Java 1.5 via Feature # 3576100 "Update IA bundled JVMs to latest (e.g. 7.0 SR 2)".

  • Sharon Lucas

    Sharon Lucas - 2012-12-12
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Sharon Lucas

    Sharon Lucas - 2012-12-12

    Here's a cvs diff of the changes to autobuild/BuildSTAF.xml to use IA 2011 FP4 instead of IA 2010 on Solaris x86 and FreeBSD and to set _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx1g when installing using an InstallAnywhere installer file on these platforms:

    < 'ia_root' : 'C:/IA2010', # Override because installs built using IA2011 FP 4 fail on Solaris x86
    < 'javaBinDir' : '/opt/ibmjava1.5/bin'
    > 'installShieldTempDir': '/export/home/tmp_ia',
    > 'javaBinDir' : '/opt/ibmjava1.5/bin',
    > 'javaOptions' : '_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx1g' # Need to set this environment variable before running IA installer so won't getting OutOfMemoryError
    < 'ia_root' : 'C:/IA2010', # Override because installs built using IA2011 FP 4 fail on FreeBSD
    > 'javaOptions' : '_JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xmx1g', # Need to set this environment variable before running IA installer so won't getting OutOfMemoryError


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