
#1256 STAF Memory variables are 0 if >= 4GB memory on 32-bit Unix

STAFProc (180)

On 32-bit Unix operating systems, if the physical memory is >= 4GB, STAF shows 0 for the STAF/Config/Mem/Physical variables instead of the correct physical memory.

This is because in the STAFUtilGetConfigInfo method in stafif/unix/STAFUtil.cpp, we're using an unsigned int as the type for the memory variable which on 32-bit machines has a maximum size of 4,294,967,295 (4GB - 1).

So, on our new AIX 6.1 machine that has 8,589,934,592 bytes of memory, when using the 32-bit kernel, the STAF variables for total memory are all showing 0:

STAF/Config/Mem/Physical/Bytes : 0
STAF/Config/Mem/Physical/KB : 0
STAF/Config/Mem/Physical/MB : 0

when these STAF variables should be showing:

STAF/Config/Mem/Physical/Bytes : 8589934592
STAF/Config/Mem/Physical/KB : 8388608
STAF/Config/Mem/Physical/MB : 8192

The same problem exists on Windows in the STAFUtilGetConfigInfo method in stafif/win32/STAFUtil.cpp, but because we're using an older version of the Windows Visual Studio C/C++ compiler, GlobalMemoryStatusEx is not available, so we have to use GlobalMemoryStatus which is always available. but returns wrong results for physical memory > 4GB. We already have Bug #1780505 "Physical memory reported for Windows is incorrect if >= 2GB" open for that problem. But we should go ahead and change it to use the STAFUInt_t type instead of unsigned long.

We should be able to fix this problem on Unix by using the STAFUInt_t type (or double type) instead of using an unsigned int for the memory variables.


  • Sharon Lucas

    Sharon Lucas - 2009-05-13
    • summary: STAF Physical Memory variables are 0 if >= 4GB of memory --> STAF Memory variables are 0 if >= 4GB memory on 32-bit OSs
  • Sharon Lucas

    Sharon Lucas - 2009-05-13
    • labels: 357171 --> STAFProc
    • summary: STAF Memory variables are 0 if >= 4GB memory on 32-bit OSs --> STAF Memory variables are 0 if >= 4GB memory on 32-bit Unix
    • status: open --> closed-fixed
  • Sharon Lucas

    Sharon Lucas - 2009-05-13

    Index: stafif/STAFUtil.h

    RCS file: /cvsroot/staf/src/staf/stafif/STAFUtil.h,v
    retrieving revision 1.16
    diff -r1.16 STAFUtil.h
    < unsigned long physicalMemory;
    > STAFUInt64_t physicalMemory;
    Index: stafif/unix/STAFUtil.cpp
    RCS file: /cvsroot/staf/src/staf/stafif/unix/STAFUtil.cpp,v
    retrieving revision 1.27
    diff -r1.27 STAFUtil.cpp
    < static unsigned long physicalMemory = 0;
    < static unsigned long numProcessors = 0;
    > static STAFUInt64_t physicalMemory = 0;
    > static unsigned int numProcessors = 0;
    < unsigned long numPages = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES);
    > STAFUInt64_t numPages = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES);
    < unsigned long numPages = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES);
    > STAFUInt64_t numPages = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES);
    < unsigned long numPages = ps.physical_memory;
    > STAFUInt64_t numPages = ps.physical_memory;
    < unsigned long totalMem;
    > STAFUInt64_t totalMem;


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