
Startup Ordering?

  • Bill Hartwell

    Bill Hartwell - 2005-09-23

    I know it's probably a lost cause, given the way Windows throws startup items all over the damned place, but is there any chance that it might be possible to order startup items?

    For instance, I need to launch Tor and Privoxy before I launch Semagic or Weathermatrix, yet the odds of that happening currently are slim to none, because it appears that there is no rational order in which startup programs are launched.

    It's one of the things I really like about Gnome - being able to set the order programs launch in - and something I'd really love to see in a Windows startup manager.

    • Glenn Van Loon

      Glenn Van Loon - 2005-10-07

      I just read some documentation about the startup order and my conclusion is that you can never be sure about this order. Windows starts the startup items almost simultaneously to reduce the time your computer needs to boot. However some people say different things (take a look at the following website)
      You might try to put your items in different keys (like in the documentation of the website I gave), but no one can garantee you that your windows will boot the keys in this order. The order on this website relies on undocumented behavior so it might be different in your situation.

      I'll see what I can do to implement boot order in Startup Manager. And maybe you can submit a feature request to make sure I won't forget this :)

    • Glenn Van Loon

      Glenn Van Loon - 2005-10-07

      I discovered a possible solution, but I think this solution makes your list with items that start at windows startup more complicated. You can control the order your programs start by creating a batch file with a list of the items you want to start in the order you want to start and add this batch files to one of the boot sections.

      Well, it can't be that hard to implement something like this in Startup Manager, I'll certainly take a look at this shortly!

    • Glenn Van Loon

      Glenn Van Loon - 2005-11-02

      The tool is almost ready for use (it will be included in Startup Manager 2.0.1 which will be released when's ready...)

      • r1100r98

        r1100r98 - 2005-11-23

        Will this new feature be able to handle usernames and passwords?

        For example...
        -Start VPN (with username and password)
        -Then Remote Desktop (with cpuname and password)
        -Then Lotus Notes (with username and password)

        If so, will the username and password be stored in an encrypted state?

    • Glenn Van Loon

      Glenn Van Loon - 2005-11-24

      I was not planning to implement any password protection, so it won't be part of Startup Manager 2.0.1. I'm planning to start rewriting the code after version 2.0.1, so I won't have many time to implement lots of new functionality. But off course that doesn't mean that after the rewrite of the code I won't implement it. So maybe you can start begging I don't forget this or just submit a feature request :P.

    • Glenn Van Loon

      Glenn Van Loon - 2005-12-11

      I released Startup Manager 2.0.1, so check this new feature out;
      BTW, I started rewriting the entire code friday...

    • luc Taylor

      luc Taylor - 2015-06-10

      Last edit: luc Taylor 2015-06-15
  • Eric S

    Eric S - 2011-11-15

    Startup Delayer 3.0 is freeware and allows you to do this with everything but essential services, but requires you know what you are doing a bit. :D


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