
#2799 No INBOX link in large folder trees (courier+dovecot)

Development CVS
Folders (317)

[ Also reported at ]

I am using Debian Stable (Squeeze). When upgraded to the version in Debian Testing, currently 1.4.23~svn20120406-1, one user reported that she is missing the INBOX link in the folder tree. This user has the largest list of subscribed folders on our server (390 folders). If I reduce the list to 10 entries the INBOX link is shown.

I have tried adding and removing the entry "INBOX" from the list of subscribed folders but to no avail.

I have also tested upstream 1.4.23 SVN snapshot of 2012-09-12 with no success. The behavior is the same as with the version from testing.

The folder tree appears correctly with the SVN development snapshot of 2012-09-12 (so version 1.5.2), though this was tested with a fresh
config.php. suggests to change the respective setting "11. Tweaks" with Apparently, this is true only for 1.5.1, or at least I could not find anything in the list of Tweaks.

System: Debian Squeeze, Apache 2.2.16, libapache2-mod-php5 5.3.3, courier-imap 4.8.0


  • Andreas Schamanek

    The same applies to dovecot-imapd 2.1.7-2 as on Debian. Though, in this user's case it helped to add INBOX to ".subscriptions".

  • Andreas Schamanek

    • summary: No INBOX link in large folder trees (courier) --> No INBOX link in large folder trees (courier+dovecot)
  • Thomas Baumann

    Thomas Baumann - 2013-09-28

    I had the same problem with three users on SM 1.4.23[SVN20120406] with courier-imap 4.10.0 (Debian Wheezy). Solution: They all had a folder listed within Trash, which did no longer exist. After unsubscribing this folder the INBOX link was visible again.

  • Andreas Schamanek

    @Thomas Thank you very much indeed! I can confirm that non-existing "folders" cause or can cause INBOX to be not shown on Courier and Dovecot, probably also on other servers. In fact, the bug apparently does not depend on the size of the folder tree.


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