Ala Aboudib - 2015-04-27

(this project is now available on GitHub
I am the developper of this web application (ala aboudib) as you can see in the screenshot in the projects main page. All thanks to Mr. Rafat Katta, the host of this project here on Source Forge, who was behind the idea of this project.
I am really sorry for the inconvenience, this is a prealpha version that needs contributors for developement!
I had begun developping this project during my study period, then I was force to quit my country (SYRIA) because of a very bad political situation including a war :(, so i had not give so much attention to the project we posted here.
Now, I am pleased to see all this interest about this project, I would be please that we work together to enhance this project, arriving at a production version.
For a better developement experiece, I would recommend you used the version on GitHub
Concerning the password, I think it is
if this does not work, please contact me again, ( I will verify this also ).
I am very sorry again, and please contact me here on GitHub for any other questions, I will be here to help


Last edit: Ala Aboudib 2015-04-27