
sqlshell 0.6 released

The Internet: december 22 2008
After quite a busy time and finally some holidays we managed to get the sixth
release of sqlshell out the doors. It doesn't come with a lot of new features
(at least not as many as I would have hoped) but the overall stability and speed
should have improved a lot. This release is mostly a 'switching toolkit' release,
since it now can run on both jcurses ( and charva (
We do feel Charva has fixed a lot of the multithreading issues we came across when using jcurses.

Some new features of 0.6 include:
* Added tab completion for connect @
* Add description of column in 'show tables having <column>' command
* Add persistent history (thanks to the work of vladimiralarcon _at_ yahoo _dot_ com)
And bugfixes:
* Mysql case sensitivity fixes
* Tab completion case sensitive fix (For example jo<tab> -> Job)

See the Changelog file for a complete list.

I would like to thank Stefan Rotman for his time spent in the last couple of months on
SQLShell. I know he has been busy but he still managed to find some time to improve SQLShell.

Hopefully there is more to come in the next release. Please do send me your ideas,
bugs and missing features. In the meantime please make sure
you still have the same amount of fingers when starting next year.

Kind regards,

Posted by Roy van der Kuil 2008-12-23

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