
SqlBuddy / News: Recent posts

SqlBuddy Continues... 0.0.70 Released

Any of you who follow the forum will know that Caz software have put a good chunk of work into Buddy over the last year.

Caz are using SqlBuddy internally for their own needs and in return are incorporating bug fixes back into the code base. Cheers guys :-)

I've decided that a new release is way way overdue, hence 0.0.70. This release includes include many bug fixes and a few enhancements.

I can only appologise for not doing this sooner, I'm contracting now and time for such hobby projects is rather short. It's great that others are willing to contribute to the project, I hope we can get more folk on board to push it forward.... read more

Posted by Tobin Harris 2006-01-23

SqlBuddy 0.69 Alpha Released!

Yep, after a long summer we've decided to put a few hours in and do a new release! See the release notes for changes. Admittedly, it's sunday evening and I've rushed the release a little, so let me know if there's any problems.

I'd like to also use this opportunity to welcome Thomas Hansen to the team. Thomas is hoping to use Buddy at his company, and is therefore making some much needed bug fixes and improvements! ... read more

Posted by Tobin Harris 2003-09-28

Buddy LIVES!!!

I've had a number of enquiries about the Buddy project being dead. This isn't the case!!! Unfortunately work has paused for summer, because I decided to see as much of the Sun, my girlfriend, and the world as possible! However, I am now working on Buddy again.

There's one catch though... I'm actually putting effort into a re-write that supports PostgreSQL, SQL Server 2000, Access 2000 (and next MySQL!). I haven't made this Open Source yet on here, becuase I want to get it to a stage where it's ready for group development, and at least matches the current Buddy on features. ... read more

Posted by Tobin Harris 2003-09-16

SqlBuddy 0.67 Alpha Released

As promised, we're releasing more regularly. Buddy is undergoing some drastic changes, more specifically:

- New editor! The kind chaps from SharpDevelop have allowed us to use there amazing text editor. We've only scratched the surface with it, but soon we'll have many funky features in addition to the syntax colouring.

- SqlHelper changes - this now has icons, and is slightly more intelligent when offering help. It's being re-written, so doesn't function as smoothely as it should. ... read more

Posted by Tobin Harris 2003-02-16

SqlBuddy 0.66 Alpha Released

Well, it's been too long since our last release (12 December). We've decided to try and release every 2 weeks. This means that releases will be smaller, but at least you get the new features as-and-when they arrive.

The new Buddy is looking fairly promising. We've added:

- a basic database explorer
- some help
- basic schema reporting
- lots more!

So check it out, and provide feedback. We're still on the lookout for people, so please feel free to jump on board if you're interested. We're currently interested in:... read more

Posted by Tobin Harris 2003-02-08

SqlBuddy Version 0.0.65 Alpha Released!

Yep, we thought it was time for another release. This program is still in it's early days, but we're making some good progress.

For those who use SqlServer or MSDE, this should show some potential of being a useful tool.

So come and check out the new release, we've got the foundations of the following features in :

- Syntax Highlighting ( basic, but ok )
- New VS.NET menus
- A File Explorer
- Open/Save Sql Files
- A Scratchpad... read more

Posted by Tobin Harris 2002-12-12

SqlBuddy Version .0.0.6 Alpha Released

Well, Jonathan and I have taken the project a few more steps futher in this release - version 0.0.6 Alpha.

SqlBuddy now allows you to make multiple selects, edit your results, copy them as HTML or XML. The SqlHelper popups are getting better too. For example, you can now select multiple items in the list.

We feel that some of the conceptual issues such as the sql-history are much better now. I had a lot of re-wiring to do on that one! ... read more

Posted by Tobin Harris 2002-11-18

Slight Refactorings for easier understanding

I decided that the code was too complicated, so I have refactored it a little to make it better. If anyone wants to get involved, it should be easier noe! Improvements include:

- Is one VS project file rather than two.
- Old, redundant c# classes removed
- Many classes renamed to make more sense.
- Confusing namespaces renamed.
- helpful Readme.txt files throughout.

Posted by Tobin Harris 2002-10-08

SqlBuddy much better in SourceForge

The CVS tree for SqlBuddy is now set-up correctly! Or at least much better! Whoopie - it wasn't easy for a newby like myself.

Having learnt a little more about CVS (luckily work granted me 2 days research) - I have managed to configure it so that it doesn't screw up the VS.NET project file. So, you should be able to download and compile without too much messing around ( although I suspect the references may need pointing to the bin folder.... read more

Posted by Tobin Harris 2002-10-08