


Agents specifications

About behaviors

Here are the agents I plan to develop. Agents control several Behaviors to achieve a given goal.



At start, an agent is given

  • a set of units
  • a name for debug and fun

All agents have

  • stressLevel

The stress level is an instance of the StressLevel class.

  • sequences

A set of sequences used to check the behaviors statuses at regular intervals.

  • static agents

List of all the Agents created so far.

All behaviors can

  • createAgent

Creates an other agent of the given type.

  • destroyAgent

Destroy an agent.


Create the other agents and dispatch the units among them. It is the first created agent, initialized with all available units.

It has these properties

  • machinaSexualAgent

Reference to an agent of type MachinaSexual

  • destroyerAgent

Reference to an agent of type DestroyerAgent

  • workingAgent

Reference to an agent of type WorkingAgent

  • builderAgent

Reference to an agent of type BuilderAgent

It does these actions in this order

  • create a BuilderAgent and give it a proportion of the units - builders only
  • create a WorkingAgent object and give it a proportion of the units - workers only
  • create a MachinaSexual agent and ask him for a few more units, depending on the available resources


In charge of making units.


Attacks a city.


Works, i.e. harvest resources.


This Agent is in charge of building, it is the only one who is able to build entities - not units. It is in charge of finding the right places, of building the right amount of building types.

This Agent handles these behaviors

  • PopulationWatcher
  • OnDemandBuilder
  • DefenseWatcher

At start, create the behaviors and give the OnDemandBuilder an amout of units, depending on the available resources and the available units. The