
PHP v5.2 to v5.4 on a 1&1 Host

  • Mike Middleton

    Mike Middleton - 2013-05-25

    1&1 is dropping php support for v5.2 in 2014, my problem is everything runs fine on 5.2  but I get a bunch of error codes when switched to 5.4.  They give me the option to be able to switch back and forth to work out bugs….but I'm not very good at the coding….hence my problem.  I don't even know what version of SPHPB i'm running….it's been so long ago, I think 08 was the last time I messed with code and such.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

  • Mike Middleton

    Mike Middleton - 2013-05-25

    Oh forgot the site url

  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2013-05-27

    You should upgrade to version 0.8.1 (the latest) and see what happens.  These are built against PHP 5.2 vs the version you are using which is likely PHP 4.x.

  • Mike Middleton

    Mike Middleton - 2013-05-27

    Nabber00, changing to v0.8.1 fixed it!  Thank You!  Now php version 5.4 runs with no errors….

  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2013-05-28

    Thanks!  Great to hear its working OK on 5.4 as I haven't tested it yet.

  • Mike Middleton

    Mike Middleton - 2013-05-28

    Yes, running 5.4 I get no error codes, but I can't switch over the real site until I get the banner issue solved. So at the moment I'm still running 5.2.  If you can help me with the banner I can switch over to 5.4 and keep it running on that. Thank you!

  • Mike Middleton

    Mike Middleton - 2013-05-30

    Although it's running on 5.4, I'm getting no errors, but I'm getting some funny characters in the blog text area. I filled out a tech support / bug report on another support page listed here. I don't know how to combine the two.

    I have the example here:

    I've switched between php version 4, 5.2 and 5.4 getting the weird symbols on all three. On the symbols themselves they look different in different browsers also.


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