
#247 Preview character encoding problem

0.7.0 and Prior
Interface (93)

The preview frame seems to have a character encoding problem. See attached screen dump. The server is set up to use ISO-8859-15 and the settings in ./languages/danish/strings.php say:

$lang_string['html_charset'] = 'ISO-8859-15';

$lang_string['php_charset'] = 'ISO-8859-15';

I think the problem is Linux use UTF-8 and the javascript in the preview doesn't. Not a big problem, I would just let you know.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-11-22

    Preview frame showing

  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2010-11-29

    The Javascript preview just uses a frame. The proper encoding "ISO-8859-15" is defined in the frame HTML. The place where there could be a problem is if the parser.php isn't getting the text properly through the POST variable.

  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2010-11-29
    • assigned_to: nobody --> nabber00
  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2011-03-19
    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2012-05-01
    • milestone: 394820 --> 0.7.0 and Prior
  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2013-06-20
    • status: open --> open-accepted
  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2013-06-20

    Looks like in the <form> tag we need to set "accept-charset" to the correct value.

  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2013-06-20
    • status: open-accepted --> closed-fixed
  • nabber00

    nabber00 - 2013-06-20

    This should be fixed in svn r245. If not we may need to set "enctype" as well.


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