


  • Length: 3.6 kilometers
  • Track Width: 12.5 meters
  • Number of Pits: 15
  • Difficulty: Difficult
  • Track Style: Low-speed winding / Extreme uphill and downhill
  • Time of Day: Evening / Clear
  • Location: United States of America
  • Track Record:
    • TRB1: 1:12.404 by Lupo Bianco (Sector RB1)
    • LS-GT1: 1:25.452 by Billy Martinson (Vulture V6.R)
    • Supercars: 1:37.597 by Haruna Say (Boxer 96)
  • Highest Top Speeds:
    • TRB1: 252 km/h by Reynard Daneel (Zaxxon RB)
    • LS-GT1: 250 km/h by Jeffery Doughty (Vulture V6.R)
    • Supercars: 249 km/h by Yuuki Kyousou (Boxer 96)

Track Guide

Turn 1 - Fast kink, uphill. Brake as you exit because Andretti Hairpin is coming up shortly after. Do not cut the inside too much as some cars are sensitive to the height changes at this turn.

Andretti Hairpin, Turn 2 - Shift down to low 2nd and stay there! The corner is a bit of a double apex so don't try to hug the inside line too much (the banking is too steep for that, anyway).

Turn 3 - Shift down to 2nd and try to enter this corner as straight as you can. Brake early because the radius decreases quick, and you'll need to late apex this turn for fast times.

Turn 4 - Coast this curve in 3rd or 4th and floor it wide. Try to exit the upcoming kink on the right so you can enter Turn 5 with the best line.

Turn 5 - Shift down to low 3rd and hold about 30~50% throttle until exit. Run wide, clip the curb if you'd like.

Turn 6 - Critical corner! Make sure to shift down to high 3rd or low 4th gear, and CLIP DAT INSIDE CURB, BABY. Run wide and pray you don't end in the sand if you are on full attack!

The Corkscrew, Turn 7, 8, and 8A - The infamous "Corkscrew"! Slow down to 2nd gear and hold it there. Make sure to brake BEFORE cresting the hill or you'll be having a date with the walls. The exit is a steep downhill curve, so keep throttle and RPM low, as Rainey Curve follows right after.

Rainey Curve, Turn 9 - This heavily banked left hander can be taken in a number of ways. Take it in low 3rd and hug the inside line all the way or run just a bit wide on exit if you need or want to.

Turn 10 - Another heavily banked curve, this time turning right. It is not as steep as Rainey Curve, but the banking here will end more suddenly, so be careful not to floor it on exit.

Turn 11 - A tough acute angle left hander. Slow down to less than 70 km/h, keep the RPM low, and don't floor it until you've made it all the way to the exit!

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