
Spam Trainer / News: Recent posts

Spam Trainer 0.1.5 Released

The new version works better with Mono 1.1 and fixes installation issues caused by recent changes to the way Mono is packaged on modern Linux distributions.

There are no new features in this release, it is all about maintaining compatibility with current systems.

Posted by Graham Ashton 2007-01-14

Spam Trainer 0.1.4 Released

Spam Trainer makes it easier for GNOME users to train spam filtering software (e.g. Spambayes or SpamAssassin) that "learns" how to tell the difference between real email (ham) and unsolicited messages (spam).

It's been a long time coming, but 0.1.4 fixes a niggling little bug that's been annoying me for a while; in previous releases you couldn't tell if the ham/spam training commands completed successfully. In release 0.1.4 a message pops up to alert you if there was a problem. I've also added tooltips to make it more obvious how to train on a message.

Posted by Graham Ashton 2005-11-03

Spam Trainer 0.1.3 Released

Spam Trainer makes it easier for GNOME users to train spam filtering software (e.g. Spambayes or SpamAssassin) that "learns" how to tell the difference between real email (ham) and unsolicited messages (spam).

Version 0.1.2 only fixed Evolution 2.0 compatibility for training spam (but not ham) due to an oversight on my part. Apologies to those who downloaded 0.1.2, but you'll need 0.1.3 if you wish to use Spam Trainer with Evolution 2.0.

Posted by Graham Ashton 2004-10-23

Spam Trainer 0.1.2 Released

Spam Trainer makes it easier for GNOME users to train spam filtering software (e.g. Spambayes or SpamAssassin) that "learns" how to tell the difference between real email (ham) and unsolicited messages (spam).

This release fixes a minor incompatibility with Evolution 2.0.

Posted by Graham Ashton 2004-10-17

Spam Trainer 0.1.1 Released

Spam Trainer makes it easier for GNOME users to train spam filtering software (e.g. Spambayes or SpamAssassin) that "learns" how to tell the difference between real email (ham) and unsolicited messages (spam).

This release fixes some minor problems that some people were experiencing when Spam Trainer attempted to access it's configuration settings. If you are already successfully using Spam Trainer there is no need to upgrade.

Posted by Graham Ashton 2004-10-01

Spam Trainer 0.1.0 Released

Spam Trainer makes it easier for GNOME users to train spam filtering software (e.g. Spambayes or SpamAssassin) that "learns" how to tell the difference between real email (ham) and unsolicited messages (spam).

Not all email clients have spam filtering (and training) built in, and training external filtering programs can be fiddly. Spam Trainer was written to provide easy (drag and drop) training from the Evolution mail client, and should work just as well with any email client that supports the drag and drop protocol implemented by the GTK+ toolkit. ... read more

Posted by Graham Ashton 2004-09-28