
#53 Other Categories than SPAM...

Bayesianato (7)

POPfile has the very nifty feature to have more than
one sorting category called "spam" - you could create
several "buckets" there to sort any category you like
by a bayesian filter (eg. work, private, shopping...).

isn't it a very cool idea to use this powerfull tool of
bayesian analysis not only for one purpose?
And wouldn't this be great in spamatoxy too?

think about it - i'll wait for it ;))


  • Keno Albrecht

    Keno Albrecht - 2006-10-03
    • priority: 5 --> 1
  • Keno Albrecht

    Keno Albrecht - 2006-10-03

    Logged In: YES

    Yes, it is a very cool idea which we have thought about
    before. Maybe we provide such a feature in a future release
    of Spamato, but I doubt that it will be integrated in the
    next release, though...

  • James Calfee

    James Calfee - 2007-03-24

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    I could use these top level categories to more effectively generating Spam Complaints (as a plug-in):

    'FTC', 'SPAM@UCE.GOV', 'Federal Trade Commission, specific complaint about unsolicited commercial e-mail (spam), pornography, false or mis-leading routing or subject information.
    You can see that sub-categories might be effective here.

    'FDA', '', 'Food and Drug Administration, medical products that you think might be illegal'

    'SEC', '', 'Securities and Exchange Commission, investment-related Spam e-mails'

    This covers probably 80% of the Spam. Other categories might be added for things like like replica watches, software, etc.....

  • Keno Albrecht

    Keno Albrecht - 2007-03-27

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    Just to be honest, I won't support this in the near future. But it's not deleted from our TODO-list, just low priority. It would not be too wise to build something on top of this idea right now.

    Is this feature a must for Spam Complaint?

  • James Calfee

    James Calfee - 2007-03-29

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    No, I have this done already. In the GUI if users want they can categorize the e-mail allowing the FTC, SEC, FDA to be notified on those messages.


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