
"Folder is being processed" message again

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  • Johann Petrak

    Johann Petrak - 2008-11-05

    After a while with no problems, this message keeps appearing frequently and regularly. Has there been any investigation into what causes this or any development that could be used to help figure out the problem.

    Spamato is the only extension where this message is shown often when I try to retrieve new messages. Something must be broken here or there must be something that can cause spamato to break.

    This is now my second computer where I see these messages and I am out of any ideas how to continue with using Spamato -- this message often appears after only 30 minutes or so, forcing me to restart thunderbird.

    I think it would be necessary to 1) figure out under what circumstances this message can appear at all (as far as I understand it is a TB error message based on TB somehow thinking that the inbox is locked or in use) and 2) figure out how spamato might incorrectly leave a lock or in use information on the inbox.

    • Johann Petrak

      Johann Petrak - 2008-11-13

      I regret to say that with this error, TB is practically not usable any more.  I would have to restart TB every couple of minutes/hours.
      I do not really see any progress on this bug nor any attempt to figure out its possible causes :(

    • Keno Albrecht

      Keno Albrecht - 2008-11-13

      Hi Johann,

      Can I send you a new version of the extension? I have been refactored quite a few things in the meanwhile, although not tackling this issue specifically. Please send me a mail to keno_at_spamato_dot_net and I'll send you a new .xpi file. However, you would be the first "alpha" tester of this version, so maybe something doesn't work at all... (for me it works fine of course).

    • john ross porter

      I've registered myself, specifically, so that I can add my two-cents to this thread.  I've been experiencing the "Folder is being processed" *bug* for an undetermined length of time.  The scenario, as I've experenced it is as follows...

      (Running Thunderbird on Fedora 9) 
      1) Start TB.
      2) POP3 mail downloaded from only email account I monitor.
      3) See spamato doing its job.
      4) Interact w/TB and have no difficulty.
      5) Leave TB started/running while I go about the rest of my life.

      (Much?) later...
      6) Return to TB to check on reception on any new e-mail.
      6.a) Sometimes there is some...
      6.b) Sometimes, and more frequently, there is nothing new.
      7) Click on TB's [Get Mail] button.
      8) See the (now dreaded but expected) "Folder is being processed" message.
      9) Close TB.  (no other reasonable option presented.  I've tried just waiting, ineffective.)
      10) See step 1) above and repeat.

      Keno,  I'll send you e-mail as you suggested to Johann and will refer to this forum thread.  I sincerely hope something can be resolved around this issue.

      • Keno Albrecht

        Keno Albrecht - 2009-01-05

        I have uploaded my described current working version of the next S4T release here:

        It is really a work in progress, I have never tested it on any other machine/account than my own one. Please give it a try and tell me whether you still have the "folder is being processed" problems. There might be other/new problems as well... but hey, there is still a chance that it is better than the old version :-).

        Take a look at the accounts configuration panel, there are some new options (which don't work perfectly yet).

        • rokdd

          rokdd - 2009-01-06

          hi kemil,

          i tested your new xpi with the courrent stable tb-release but found no changes in accoount options. i will watch the process alerts :) thanks for fixes after such long time!

          greets, robert

          • Keno Albrecht

            Keno Albrecht - 2009-01-06

            Take a look at this screen shot:


            If your account settings doesn't look like this, the new version of S4T probably wasn't installed correctly.

            Try this:
            - uninstall the old version
            - stop TB
            - make sure that all "javaw.exe" processes are stopped
            - restart TB
            - install the new .xpi
            - check the account settings

            Thanks for your feedback.

            • joergenr

              joergenr - 2009-01-06

              Hi kemil

              I have tried to install this latest version of yours from
              I have uninstalled the old version and installed this new one, I have installed it in a new profile, but  I cannot see the new account settings. I have also searched the xpi-file for words from the new account settings (according to your picture), with no result.
              Maybe this is a stupid question, but are you sure the link provided by you is the right one? I

            • rokdd

              rokdd - 2009-01-07

              i tried to uninstall and install following your instructions, but i am not able to see the new configs..:

              vista ultimate business
              java 6,7 (hope to remember correctly)

    • Keno Albrecht

      Keno Albrecht - 2009-01-07

      Two things went wrong, sorry. First, I uploaded the wrong file and, second, I referenced the wrong file... please download this xpi and try again:

      • rokdd

        rokdd - 2009-01-08


        okay now it looks newer.. but all in all that are bad news.... after installing:
        - my buttons for toolbar not there
        - clicking options in addons window won't open anything -> addon window not able to close (looks like a hidden windows is opened)
        - menu in menu not visible
        - account settings changed but no text like 'spamato' as your picture shows  and if clicking the options there comes that the xul was not found..

        i am not sure where the problem is situated..

        • joergenr

          joergenr - 2009-01-08


          I can confirm that. This version is far from being ready for testing.

      • Keno Albrecht

        Keno Albrecht - 2009-01-08

        Hm, strange. I'll have to check it this weekend, sorry for that. Problem is that I have tested everything only on my development machine -- so there is quite a good chance that I have forgotten to put something into the .xpi :-(.

        Keep an eye on this thread, I'll post again soon (really...).

        • Keno Albrecht

          Keno Albrecht - 2009-01-08

          OK, just updated the .xpi file again. Please give it another try (clear your browser cache):

          • joergenr

            joergenr - 2009-01-09

            Hi kemil

            I have just installed this latest test version. It cannot load when I use my old .spamato4thunderbird folder.
            But a "clean install" works fine. I haven't  got any spam yet for further testing.
            Is it possible to use anything from the old .spamato4thunderbird folder. Or do we have to start all over. I will be loosing a lot of Untrusted/Trusted senders, Domains, Tokens and Rules.
            I think the new Account settings are great. I know a lot of people will like to be able to use the Thunderbird spam folder for spam detected by Spamato.

            Keep up the good work.

            Jørgen Rasmussen

            • joergenr

              joergenr - 2009-01-10

              Hi again kemil

              I have gone back to the Spamato4Thunderbird 0.99.9. Here is what I found after using the test version.
              It doesn't  run by itself. You need to go to the menu Tools -> Spamato -> Check for spam now.
              It doesn't remove spam and it is slow.
              I am looking forward to see the final result or another pre release version.

              • Keno Albrecht

                Keno Albrecht - 2009-01-10

                > It doesn't run by itself. You need to go to the menu Tools -> Spamato -> Check for spam now.

                This might be due to the new settings. Maybe you have to first go to each account's "Spamato" entry and select "all folders" (everything else isn't supported yet anyway).

                > It doesn't remove spam and it is slow.

                What do you mean with "remove"? Doesn't find anything? This might be due to the fact that you started with a new profile, Spamato is just not able to classify spam yet. Or do you rather mean "move"? Then it might also be due to the new settings - Spamato just doesn't know where to move spam to.

                Anyway, I definitely have to think about reasonable default values...

                • joergenr

                  joergenr - 2009-01-10

                  Hi kemil

                  > It doesn't remove spam and it is slow.
                  By remove I meant move. I tried different settings "move to spamato" and "move to spam".
                  In Spamato -> Configure Extension there is a checkbox for "Move spam". There is also settings for moving spam in the Account settings. That might be confusing.

                  Jørgen Rasmusssen

                  • Keno Albrecht

                    Keno Albrecht - 2009-01-10

                    That's right. The one is the "main switch" to turn of any moving, the other's are account based. But we think about it (refactoring).

                    • rokdd

                      rokdd - 2009-01-11

                      hi kemil,

                      everybody else with this message in browser when accessing localhost: <spamato:message><spamato:type>reportrevokeanswer</spamato:type></spamato:message>

                      • Keno Albrecht

                        Keno Albrecht - 2009-01-11

                        rokdd... is this a question? Don't get the point %-).

                        The message


                        is used for communication between the Spamato add-on (TB) and the Spamato "localhost" (Java). If you see this in the browser, I guess you are using the wrong port number (the localhost port instead of the web config port).

                        • rokdd

                          rokdd - 2009-01-12

                          thanks for your reply.. it was a question had not seen before. i created a new localserver config and now spamatp communicates with javaw.. says the filter history. but it do not move the message think that is a new problem of the new TB extension

                          • Keno Albrecht

                            Keno Albrecht - 2009-01-12

                            Please go to each account's Spamato settings page (the new one) and apply a destination folder for its spam. Also set the folder choice to either "inbox only" or "all folders". Does this help?

                            • rokdd

                              rokdd - 2009-01-13

                              would be nice if you enable and set all the data per default... i think the main problem ist that i have a general folder and not every acccount its own - "global inbox". it does not work and so i send some logs:

                              Spamato: FOLDER: mailbox:/D|/Anwendungsdaten/Mail/Mail/
                              Spamato: SERVER: [nsIMsgIncomingServer: server4]
                              Spamato: ACCOUNT KEY: account10
                              Spamato: ACCOUNT: [nsIMsgAccount: account5]
                              Spamato: INCOMING SERVER: [nsIMsgIncomingServer: server4]
                              Spamato: SPAMATO.getSpamFolder
                              TypeError: account.defaultIdentity has no properties
                              Spamato: JunkMover.addSpam
                              Cannot move message, no spam folder found: mailbox-message://nobody@Local%20Folders/Inbox#187610855

                              hope that helps you further!

                              • Keno Albrecht

                                Keno Albrecht - 2009-01-13

                                Indeed of interest.

                                I guess I have to define a "default spam folder" (or take the one from TB) to prevent any startup problems.

                                Does anybody else here use the "global inbox"? I don't - maybe that's the reason why I don't see this problem on my side.

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