
Hangs on exit with Vista 32bit SP1

  • Hexaae

    Hexaae - 2009-04-01

    After you play for 1-2 mins and you press spacebar, B to change background, and change video perspective frggin mouse + LMB, the game won't quit: you press ESC but the task will hang on exit.
    Nothing changes setting XP compatibility.

    Firma del problema
    Nome evento problema:    AppHangB1
    Nome applicazione:    Space Invaders OpenGL.exe
    Versione applicazione:
    Timestamp applicazione:    40c5d1cd
    Firma di blocco:    55ab
    Tipo interruzione:    2048
    Versione SO:    6.0.6001.
    ID impostazioni locali:    1040
    Firma blocco aggiuntiva 1:    6904527ab6a7a17b560d4c57dc8abfd9
    Firma blocco aggiuntiva 2:    b922
    Firma blocco aggiuntiva 3:    f2e899a805cedc763e9594904821e9fe
    Firma blocco aggiuntiva 4:    55ab
    Firma blocco aggiuntiva 5:    6904527ab6a7a17b560d4c57dc8abfd9
    Firma blocco aggiuntiva 6:    b922
    Firma blocco aggiuntiva 7:    f2e899a805cedc763e9594904821e9fe

    Always reproduceable, but you have to follow the above steps.

    GeForce 9600M GT 512MB, Vista SP1 x86 ITA with UAC etc., 4GB DDR2.

  • M. V.

    M. V. - 2009-10-16

    Thanks for reporting.

    I also noticed that. I believe you have to start the program in administrator mode ("Run as administrator"), because of the access of the temp directory (at startup the game extract 2 or 3 files in the temp folder) and somehow the access of the temp folder in vista/seven is not the same as XP. Unfortunately I don't manage this project for now anymore. Maybe one day if I have time I'll do some fixes and release it here on SF.

    Thanks again. Maya75


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