
Crash after using soxr_process() after calling soxr_clear().

  • Matt Holgate

    Matt Holgate - 2014-01-29


    I've been using soxr_clear() to reset the state of libsoxr as follows:

    static soxr_t soxr = NULL;

    void setup()
    // If this is the first call to setup() then create a new soxr_t
    if (soxr == NULL)
    int irate = 44100;
    int orate = 48000;

         soxr_io_spec_t iospec = soxr_io_spec(SOXR_INT16_I, SOXR_INT16_I);
         obuf = malloc(sizeof(short) * 2 * olen); // 2 channels
         assert(obuf != NULL);
         soxr = soxr_create(irate, orate, 2, &error, &iospec, NULL, NULL);
     // Clear the state of the soxr_t for a fresh signal


    However, when I later call soxr_process() (similar to the streaming
    example), I get a crash due to soxr->resamplers being NULL (which
    happens as a result of the call to soxr_clear()).

    Is this a bug, or am I misunderstanding how the soxr_clear() API is
    supposed to be used?

    Many thanks

  • robs

    robs - 2014-02-01

    Hi Matt, I think this is indeed a bug. The equivalent function in the libsamplerate-like interface does in fact work, but in any case the (intended) implementation doesn't do any thing cleverer than would just calling soxr_create again. Could this be a work-around for you? If not, please let me know, and I'll see if something better can be done. Cheers, Rob


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