
SourceJammer Release Version 1.2

The SourceJammer Project released SourceJammer version 1.2 today.

The 1.2 version includes numerous enhancements over version 1.1, including:

* Vastly improved streaming of large files to and from server
* User admin facility
* Multiple levels of user security
* Randomly generated session ids
* View a list of archives on a server
* Delete archive functionality
* Visual diff viewer
* Multiple history storage types for binary files (diff, compressed, full-source, current only)
* Migrated all client-side text to properties file to add internationalization
* Many look and feel and interaction changes on GUI

SourceJammer is the 100% Java, SOAP-enabled, source control, versioning, and file sharing system. Visit for more information.

Posted by Robert MacGrogan 2002-05-14

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