
SourceJammer 1.1.0 Released

The SourceJammer project today released SourceJammer version 1.1.0.

SourceJammer is the 100% Java, SOAP-enabled source control, versioning, and file sharing system.

Version 1.1.0 of SourceJammer contains the following new features and improvements:

Client Side:
* Improved dialogs for getting files, check in and check out.
* GUI now refreshes when long processes are running.
* Fixed Windows error in file dialog. No more annoying pop up message.
* Added a scrolling message area to notify user of results of actions.
* Moved file details and version history to a dialog.
* Added get project and get file functions.
* Improved and completed help file for command line.
* Added support for server 1.1 unique ID based file/project management system.
* Added splash screen
* Added list of file extensions not to zip.
* Added "owner" to all dialogs.
* Fixed GUI bug in creating new archives while disconnected.
* Fixed startup class in SJLaunch.exe script (windows).
* Display helpful error message if user tries to remove root project of an archive
* Fix Get Project so selected EOL type is actually used.
* Fixed make archive (disconnected mode)

* Improved support for text-files including allowing the user to select EOL characters in the returned file.
* Improved architecture for referencing projects and files by unique IDs (instead of full path).
* Allows annonymous read-only access (if enabled).
* Provides a web interfact (anonymous and read-only), if enabled.
* Allows renaming of files and projects.
* Fixed zip problem when returning files.
* Added AppStats page with information on the server application.
For more information on SourceJammer, please visit

Posted by Robert MacGrogan 2002-03-01

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