
Subsequent Run Identify Speed in .NET vs. Java

  • sarwar

    sarwar - 2013-09-27


    You've documented in the past that at least in the .NET version optimizations happen on the first run of identify on a collection that enable significantly faster run times on subsequent identifies. However, I'm testing the Java version and it seems like there isn't a significant reduction in run time between the first and subsequent runs. Is this something that's simply not implemented in the Java version at this time or am I mistaken?


  • Robert Važan

    Robert Važan - 2013-09-28

    Many optimizations are missing in the java version. I would believe your benchmarks. Java port is really experimental at the moment.

  • sarwar

    sarwar - 2013-10-01

    Ok, no problem. I'm going to dive in and try to figure out what the major issues are. I'll make sure to take a look at the C# codebase, but can you give any advice on common sense optimizations that you've made on the branch that might yield the greatest improvement in the port?

  • Robert Važan

    Robert Važan - 2013-10-02

    Unfortunately, no, it's a long time and I no longer remember details of the implementation. Good luck anyway and let me know when you have any patches to submit.

  • Robert Važan

    Robert Važan - 2018-03-16

    SourceAFIS for Java has been released:


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