
stuck in Read-Only mode?

Phil Jung
  • Phil Jung

    Phil Jung - 2005-10-04

    Running sossnt on xp pro sp2.
    Client (LynxOS) mounting a windows directory as rw

    But it always gives "File system is read-only" error?

    Funny thing tho, I have it running on another machine configured identically, and it has no problem writing.

    /etc/mtab shows mounted as rw

    Any ideas? TIA

    • Phil Jung

      Phil Jung - 2005-10-05

      I should clarify my problem.

      First, I setup sossnt on a XP-SP2 machine, exporting several directories.

      The directories are mounted as rw on LynxOS machines, and can read & write with no problems.

      I installed XP-sp2 on another machine, and copied all the same directories as the original XP machine. I set up sossnt exactly the same way on machine 2 ( I copied the exports file)

      The directories mount just fine on the same LynxOS machines, but whenever I try to touch or modify anything on the mounted directories, I get "File system is read-only"

      Thanks for any ideas...

      The directories

    • Ed Maste

      Ed Maste - 2006-02-23

      By default Sossnt runs in read-only mode unless you give it the -w flag.  If you're running it as a service, try stopping it and running sossnt -console -w -vvv from the commandline and see what happens.

    • Jayme Maurice

      Jayme Maurice - 2006-06-30

      Also check windows permissions - if running as a sservice, be sure the account the service is using (likely local system) has write permission.


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