
Node Icons as Image Files

D. Wright
  • D. Wright

    D. Wright - 2008-02-26

    Does anyone know how to make SoNIA work correctly with respect to using icons from imported images in place of the standard nodes?  I am not a programmer, but I had one look into the issue and he verified that the program is reading and parsing the files as necessary but somehow still failing to produce the desired image (and not produce an "error account" in the log).  Can anyone help?

    • Skye Bender-deMoll

      I just retested it and it seems to be working fine for me.   Although I did find that it was simplest to give the file names as absolute paths:

      NodeId   IconURL
      1        file:///toplevel/homedir/soniaproject/myFavoriteIcon.jpg

      produces an icon that resizes when node resizes.   What version and platform are you using?

    • D. Wright

      D. Wright - 2008-02-28

      Thanks for the help.  I didn't realize that I needed the additional prefix for referencing the internal URL (like I said, I'm not a programmer). Everything is working fine now. 


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