
#8 No emails sent

RoR application

After a reservation is made, neither the customer nor the hotel receives an email.


  • Vidul Nikolaev Petrov

    The configuration should be:

    config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp
    config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true # it depends
    config.action_mailer.default_charset = "utf-8"

    config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = {
    :address => "",
    :port => 25,
    :domain => "",
    :user_name => "",
    :password => "my_passwd",
    :authentication => :login

    and currently it is:

    ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :smtp
    ActionMailer::Base.server_settings = {
    :address => "", # smtp missing
    :port => 25,
    :domain => "", # domain name missing
    :authentication => :login,
    :user_name => "", # username missing
    :password => "", # password missing

  • Torsten Schlabach

    Sounds like this is a "lack of documentation" issue.

    I think the default behavior (out of the box with nothing customized) should be to send mail via SMTP to localhost with no authentication. That works on many systems. Alternatively, allow the specification of an alternative SMTP server plus authentication credentials. Is the config in the code currently? Then it should move to a config file and documentation should be updated.

    This should possibly go under

    together with the other stuff from

  • Vidul Nikolaev Petrov

    Yes it is a documentation issue (the config file used to have an example in the previous versions).

    The default behavior is like this when 'config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :sendmail' # not :smtp

    The config file (version 1.1.6) is not changed yet. I'll change the settings and comments accordingly.

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Should I change the config file in 1.6 version and commit?

    Is a sendmail setting required (sending from localhost) or the smtp server is somewhere else?

  • Torsten Schlabach

    > Should I change the config file in 1.6 version and commit?

    Would be nice as this takes just five minutes, possibly.

    I guess the change will automatically be carried over to the newer version which will use RoR 2.3.2?

  • Torsten Schlabach

    > Is a sendmail setting required (sending from localhost) or the smtp server
    > is somewhere else?

    For what goes into subversion, we should keep both options open as you cannot tell how this will be set up in a given environment. Though a default of assuming a properly configured local sendmail will make sense for most *IX systems. The most important IMO would be that the fact that you need to make these settings will be updated in the documentation at under "Installing and running".

  • Vidul Nikolaev Petrov

    This bug is fixed in Solunas RoR 2.3.2.
    Actually it was not a bug, there was no code for sending email upon creation of new contract.
    The email notification for "mail document" is also done.

    Please let me know who should be the sender (from:) after a reservation is made.


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