
SolidForms / News: Recent posts

MIDP XForms Processor Released

Today SolidForms released a build of its MIDP XForms Processor. Download it today ;)

Posted by David Landwehr 2006-05-16

XForms running as MIDP on Sony-Ericsson

On are released a set of pictures of the XForms processor running on a Sony-Ericsson W550i mobile phone as a MIDP application. The form which is exectuted are located on

Posted by David Landwehr 2006-05-16

Article about using the XPath Engine

An article explaining howto use the XPath engine has been released today at

Posted by David Landwehr 2006-05-01

Release of builds

Today the solidforms project released a set of build. There was a problem with the dotnet build which should be fixed. The releases was the XPath engine in a standalone version, the XForms processor with out UI and a dotnet version which uses IE for rendering.

Posted by David Landwehr 2006-04-28

Source code released

SolidApp has release all source code for its XForms processors under the MPL into the Subversion repository.

Posted by David Landwehr 2006-04-27