
Generic 2 Build 0.9.6 Released!

Still working towards a playable version. The only items left to address are
special and planet attacks. Once this is done, bug-fixes will become
top priority.

This version is now licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.
Totally new attack script.

Ships now have hull points.

Lots of bugs squashed.

Improved code efficiency.

Fixed a nasty bug where the distance between stars was calculated using
sqrt((y2 - y1) * 2 + (x2 - x1) * 2) instead of
sqrt((y2 - y1) ^ 2 + (x2 - x1) ^ 2)

Blackmarkets removed.

Map and ship images updated. Ship images are now named according to
their appearance instead of by ship_id.

Posted by Lex Luthor 2005-11-21

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