
Social Login powered by Janrain Engage / News: Recent posts

Social Login for Joomla! v0.6.1 released

Social Login for Joomla! "powered by Janrain Engage" v0.6.1 was released today. This release is mainly a bugfix release.

This release has been tested in the following environment:
* Joomla! 1.5.15
* Community Builder 1.2.1
* JFusion 1.5.1
* Moodle and Joomdle 0.25a
* Tested browsers:
- Google Chrome (Chromium 11.0.696.68 (84545) Ubuntu 10.10)
- Firefox 3.6.17 (Ubuntu 10.10), and other 3.6 versions (Windows)
- Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9* (Windows)
* not fully functional (see bug #3306853)... read more

Posted by Peter Bittner 2011-05-27

Social Login for Joomla! v0.6 released

Social Login for Joomla! powered by Janrain Engage v0.6 was released today. This is the very first release and is not yet expected to work flawlessly in any environment.

This release has been tested in the following environment:
* Joomla! 1.5.15
* Community Builder 1.2.1
* JFusion 1.5.1
* Moodle and Joomdle 0.25a

The installation should work fine on Joomla! 1.5 versions. Feedback about installing on Joomla! 1.6.x setups is very welcome!... read more

Posted by Peter Bittner 2011-04-28