
SObjectizer v.5.5.2 Released!

A version 5.5.2 of SObjectizer core is released!

This version introduces an experimental CMake support for building SObjectizer core library and samples. Please note that at the moment there are no CMake project files for tests. Please note also that CMake support is experimental and is subject to change in the future version. Any suggestion and proposal for CMake support improvement are welcome.

This release contains only SObjectizer core code. There is no any subprojecs liks so_log or so_sysconf. A new SObjectizer Assembly with so-5.5.2 and other subprojects may be formed and released later.

The v.5.5.2 can be obtained from the corresponding Files section or can be checked out from Subversion repository.

There are the following archives in the Files section:

Posted by Yauheni Akhotnikau 2014-10-23

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