How Guerrilla Marketing is Different From Traditional Marketing
excerpted from The Guerrilla Marketing Toolkit
by Jay Conrad Levinson and Mitch Meyerson

Guerrilla Marketing is a phrase thrown around quite frequently, but what does it really mean? What puts the 'Guerrilla' in Marketing? Here is the answer to that question.

1.  Instead of investing money in the marketplace, you must invest time, energy and imagination.

2.  Instead of using guesswork in your marketing, you use the science of psychology; actual laws of human behavior

3.  Instead of concentrating on traffic, responses or gross sales, profits are the only yardstick by which you measure your marketing.

4.  Instead of being oriented to companies with limitless bank accounts, Guerrilla Marketing is geared to small business.

5.  Instead of ignoring customers once they've purchased, you have a fervent devotion to customer follow-up.

6.  Instead of intimidating small business owners, Guerrilla Marketing removes the mystique from the entire marketing process and clarifies it.

7.  Instead of competing with other businesses, Guerrilla Marketing preaches the gospel of cooperation, urging you to help others and let them help you.

8.  Instead of trying to make sales, Guerrilla Marketers are dedicated to making relationships, for long-term relationships are paramount in the new millennium.

9.  Instead of believing that single marketing weapons such as advertising or a website work, Guerrillas know that only marketing combinations work.

10. Instead of encouraging you to advertise, Guerrilla Marketing provides you with 100 different marketing weapons; advertising is only one of them.

11. Instead of growing large and diversifying, Guerrillas grow profitably and then maintain their focus, not an easy thing to do.

12. Instead of aiming messages at large groups, Guerrilla Marketing is aimed at individuals and small groups.

13. Instead of being unintentional by identifying only mass marketing, Guerrilla Marketing is always intentional, embracing even such details as how your telephone is answered.

14. Instead of growing linearly by adding new customers, Guerrillas grow geometrically by enlarging the size of each transaction, generating more repeat sales, leaning upon the enormous referral power of customers and adding new customers.

15. Instead of thinking of what a business can take, Guerrilla Marketing asks that you think of what a business can give in the way of free information to help customers and prospects.

16. Instead of ignoring technology in marketing, Guerrilla Marketing encourages you to be techno-cozy and if you're techno-phobic, advises you to see a techno-shrink because techno-phobia is fatal these days.

17. Instead of being me-marketing and talking about a business, Guerrilla Marketing is you-marketing and talks about the prospect.

18. Instead of attempting to make a sale with marketing, Guerrilla Marketing attempts to gain consent with marketing, then uses that consent to market only to interested people.