
SMS library for the Java platform / News: Recent posts

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It looks like smsj is beeing used more and more. We are now indexed by

Posted by Marre 2007-05-02

Vote for smsj at ohloh

If you like and use smsj. Please "stack" it at

Posted by Marre 2007-05-02

Nokia uses smsj in a demo app

It looks like nokia uses smsj in a demo application for sending DRM files.

Posted by Marre 2007-05-02

Linked from

It looks like clickatell prefers smsj for java development:


Posted by Marre 2007-05-02

Project stalled

Unfortunately I don't have time to work on this project anymore.


Posted by Marre 2006-09-26

Java Communications API - Windows version

It looks like sun has pulled the javacomm API for windows. But the people over at the jsmsengine project have added a download link at their project website.

Link to their news post about this:

Download link:

Download link at SUN: read more

Posted by Marre 2005-12-06

New snapshot

I haven't had much time to work on smsj lately, but there are some bugfixes and some new features that I would like to share with you:

New features:
* Added SmsPortAddressedTextMessage, that is a port addressed SmsTextMessage. Not sure if it is usable, but there was a short discussion about it in the forum.
* Added SmsMmsNotificationMessage that allows you to send a MMS notification to any phone.
* Added WapSIPush and WapSLPush.
* Added transport for pswincom.
* Added SmsMsgWaitingMessage. This allows you to send a "message waiting" message to the phone. This message can be used on a Sony-Ericsson T610 to display different types of icons in the notification bar.... read more

Posted by Marre 2005-11-26

New site, new snapshot

I'm now using maven for building the website. I hope this will get the project a more professional look.

I also updated the package to reflect what is in the cvs today.

Note! This release depends on commons-logging. You can download that jar from

Markus Eriksson

Posted by Marre 2004-12-11

Major restructuring in CVS

I'm currently preparing for a new release of SMSj. However, when looking at the code I found several design faults and bugs so I'm currently in the process of restructuring/redesigning the sourcecode.

- Minimize coupling between sms, mms and wap code. Moved some classes to another package.
- Redesigned SmsConcatMessage
- Redesigned wap push
- Added junit tests to some of the classes.
- Using maven to build.
- Using eclipse as IDE... read more

Posted by Marre 2004-11-02

Please grab the latest source from CVS

I haven't had enough time to prepare a 0.3 release of SMSj yet.

But it is always possible to fetch the latest source from CVS if you want to get more functionality.

Posted by Marre 2004-03-30

JSR 212

I will try to follow the progress of this JSR and adopt their API (if it looks ok) when they release it.

"This specification will define a protocol agnostic messaging API for composing, sending and receiving short messages and multimedia messages. It provides a client API to Short Message Service (SMS) and Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) servers. The API shall work on the J2SE and J2EE."... read more

Posted by Marre 2003-04-16

SMSj 0.2 released

I noticed that SMSj 0.1 have been downloaded 1000 times now so it was time to update the package.

This release is only a subset of whats in CVS. It only contains the core SMS functionality.

Stuff left in CVS:
- Nokia Smart Messaging
- WAP push
- MMS sending
- WBXML compiler
- EMI/UCP SMSC transport

Posted by Marre 2002-10-10

SMSj 0.1 and concatenated messages

Hi All,

Don't try to send concatenated messages with SMSj 0.1. It won't work since I misinterpretated a specification.

It is fixed in CVS and will be fixed for the 0.2 release.

/Markus Eriksson

Posted by Marre 2002-06-15

smsj 0.1 release

SMSJ 0.1

This is the first public release of the SMSJ library.

It doesn't have any kind of documentation yet (except for the Javadoc).
But look at the sourcecode for the org.marre.sms.test.TestSms class for
some small examples.

If you only want to send simple SMS messages you should start looking
at the org.marre.sms.SmsSender class.

The only SMS transport implemented for this release is the clickatell
HTTP transport. See
for more information.... read more

Posted by Marre 2002-05-28

About the project

The intention is to create a highlevel api that makes it easy to send (not recieve) various types of SMS to a mobile phone. It will also provide a pluggable transport layer so it can support many different SMSC:s.

Today I have some basic parts ready. It can build text messages (7bit and UCS2) and the gsm sender is almost ready.

Posted by Marre 2002-03-16