
Duplicate system name

  • Robert Green

    Robert Green - 2010-07-01

    Sometimes i get this when i try to advertise software to a remote PC. What could cause this error other than there actually being more than one machine with the same name?

  • skissinger

    skissinger - 2010-07-02

    I don't understand the context of this question.  Where are you in SCCM Client Center, and what are you doing, that triggers this error? 

  • Robert Green

    Robert Green - 2010-07-02

    this is from the SMS remote page. I enter the machine name and select a package then click "push to machine". When it works correct;y it tells me the "software will be advertised to 'machine name' ". but sometimes it displays "duplicate system name" instead.

  • skissinger

    skissinger - 2010-07-04

    I'm still a bit lost.  SCCM Client Center, by Roger Zander, doesn't have a SMS remote page as far as I know.  I believe you can do local policy advertisements, and can rerun existing mandatory advertisements, but there is no 'push to machine' option. 

    The tool I think you are thinking of is Ron Crumbaker's Web Remote Console 3.21, where, optionally, you can setup collections and make them targets for active advertisements, and then by defining machrest.asp correctly, you can advertise to a machine name.

    If that's the tool you mean, you might want to repost your issue over in the forums-You'll find a larger audience for troubleshooting Ron Crumbakers Web Remote Tool.  Normally… I'd know it pretty well; but quite honestly I turned off the advertisement piece of Web Remote Tool-it didn't fit in with the company's needs for license tracking and other political reasons; so I have zero working knowledge of it.  I know the concept of it; and I think I set it up once in a lab.

    If there is a "push to machine" option in Client Center, just ignore me.  Maybe it's somewhere in there and I just never saw it.  There are a lot of options and tabs and cool things in there.  It's entirely possible I never noticed it nor saw it in the documentation.


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