
#396 Wrong style with external .ass subtitles

general (155)

When I play a video with styled .ass subtitles muxed in the .mkv container the SMPlayer use the correct subtitle style. But when I use an external .ass subtitle (putting the same name of the movie), the subtitles is very very big.

Using the CLI MPlayer to manually load a external .ass subtitle using the parameters "-ass -sub <path to subtitle>" works fine

Arch Linux+SMPlayer 0.6.9 (SVN r3447, QT 4.6.2)+MPlayer git-6d6e030-4.5.0

Steps to reproduce:
1) Take any video with a styled .ass subtitle muxed in a .mkv container (usually animes have this).
2) Play in SMPlayer and observe the subtitle.
3) Now extract the .ass subtitle using the mkvextract (
4) Force the SMPlayer to load this subtitle and watch the video.
5) Now use the MPlayer CLI, using the parameters: -ass -sub <path to subtitle>


  • zchronos

    zchronos - 2011-03-31

    I have the same problem.

    With a file in .ass with text in English and one and another word in Japanese:

    In SMPlayer > Preferences > Subtitles > Encoding the default subtitle encoding is "Western European Languages (ISO-8859-1)", the subtitles are VERY VERY BIG.

    But I changed the encoding to "UTF-8" and the subtitles NOW APPEARED IN CHINESSE AND VERY VERY BIG.

    If I changed to other encoding: "Japanese charsets" (SHIFT-JIS) the subtitles size is normal, BUT the styles not works.

    NOTE: I test this in VLC and the external subtitles with .ass works EXCELENT, but in SMPlayer don't works good. ;_;

    S.O: openSUSE 11.3 (x86_64)
    D.E: KDE4
    Packman Repository:


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