
[ DEVEL ] 0.3.5

K Resset
  • K Resset

    K Resset - 2010-07-17

    Project is back under development. The roadmap will be redefined for 0.3.5.

  • monkey

    monkey - 2011-07-23


    12 months have now passed since this post,

    Is this project still alive or are you no longer developing this software (which would be a shame as it's rock solid and been in use for 12 months on our servers!)


  • Jaret

    Jaret - 2015-01-08

    Yeah. Seems like this project as many others lived free and died hard rather quickly. What a shame. :-(

  • S Harvanek

    S Harvanek - 2015-06-27

    Jaret / Monkey,

    Yea development time was impacted when kids came about but I'm going to see about polishing this back up. Just made a first (albeit minor ) commit in a long time.


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