

Polarski bernard
  • Load smenu shortcuts
  • view all Shortcuts
  • view all shortcuts starting by 's'
  • Edit source of shortcut 'frg'
  • Show me discussion about ...
  • View the help of a shortcut
  • RMAN: list backup jobs
  • RMAN: list content of a backup piece (datafile)
  • RMAN: list content of a backup piece (archive)
  • RMAN: List backups
  • List dependent objects
  • Statistics: Create a frequency histogram for the 254 more skewed values
  • SQL: Show me sql actives the last 'n' seconds
  • SQL: Show me the text of the sql whose hash_value|sql_id ...
  • SQL:Format the sql text whose hash_Value|sql_id is
  • SQL: Generate a usable script for this sql with binds
  • SQL: Show sql plan execution steps
  • List tables columns used as predicates
  • View query that uses a given table column as predicate
  • SQL: Show plan present in v$sql_plan sorted by cost
  • view all open cursor for a session
  • Display objects count and type per schema
  • List DB tablespaces
  • List content of a tablespace
  • Show Hot segments in DB
  • SQL: List Top sql sampled 3 seconds, sort by elapsed
  • SQL: List Sql sorted by gets
  • List Session statistics overview sorted by Disk reads
  • List SQL with variant execution time
  • List overview of Plan hash values stats performances for a given SQL_ID
  • AWR: List events profile over a period of time
  • AWR: List Session activity, locking and events for a past period
  • AWR: Past session events using AWR data imported from another DB
  • AWR: List plan from AWR for a given period
  • create the AWR (text) report of the last period
  • create the AWR (text) report on a previous period
  • create the AWR (text) report on a previous range of period
  • produce differential report between 2 (range) snap_id
  • List buffer busy waits for last period
  • Show sql performances through all snap_id
  • Show AWR retentions parameters
  • Set Awr retention period
  • List bind captured into AWR for a given SQL_ID
  • Show stats for a range of snap_id
  • Show stats for an old snap_id
  • Overview of each snapid statistics
  • List DBID present into the repository
  • List snap_id in AWR
  • Show waits for last snap_id
  • Show stats for an old snap_id
  • Smenu commands

    Load smenu shortcuts

    /home/oracle/smenu]> ls -l ad
    lrwxr-xr-x   1 oracle     dba             19 Dec 23 16:07 ad -> ./scripts/
    [vblinux001:DEV:/home/oracle/smenu]> . ./ad

    view all Shortcuts

    /opt/scripts/smenu> **sp**
                |-------------------------------------------------------- |
                |    SMENU SHORTUCTS SUMMARY (vsl <shct> for more info)   |
                |-------------------------------------------------------- |
    Administrative and miscellanous     : wpe sp wp vsh aud lsbk dbrep
    Database, jobs                      : up rac sts vsp dblk jb shed
    SGA                                 : soc buf lc par pard sga lom
    Stats, Logminer, statspack, trace   : sstv sx aw xpl lgm tkp
    Tablespaces, datafiles, transport.  : frg lstd asm ttbl
    Tables, index and objects sources   : dsk src dep cpl idx tbl obj seg mod sta
    Sessions                            : cpt mts ks sa sl lsqr dpf
    Users and grants                    : drm rol prf
    SQL and Undo                        : sq sqn slo st spx tx rlbs
    Latch and enqueue                   : lck lat
    Redo, Dataguard, Streams, Mview     : rdl apl dg app cap rsy rul aq prop mw rep
    Waits, events and stats             : sys ses sls sle wss srv

    view all shortcuts starting by 's'

    /opt/scrpits/smenu> vsl s

       List of Shortcuts starting with 's' :
          ss  "sqlplus / as sysdba"
          sel  $SBINS/SELECT                                        #0# Select prg using awk
          smd  cd $SBIN                                             # go to SBIN
          spm  more $SBINS/                                 # More of
          sp  $SBINS/smenu_list_shortct_cat.ksh                     #0# Show Smenu Shortcuts
          sm  cd $SBIN;$SBIN/                               #0# Call smenu
          src  $SBIN/module2/s1/smenu_src.ksh                       #4# Source view/funct/pkg/proc
          sts  $SBIN/module2/s1/          #1# show database status
          sq  $SBIN/module2/s2/             #6# Figures for SQL
          sqn  $SBIN/module2/s2/smenu_get_sqltext_60char.ksh        #6# Show first 60 char
          slo  $SBIN/module2/s2/smenu_long_ops.ksh                  #6# Show first 60 char
          soc  $SBIN/module2/s2/smenu_handle.ksh                    #a# view cursors and handles
          sa  $SBIN/module2/s2/            #5# check user activity
          st  $SBIN/module2/s2/smenu_get_sql_text.ksh               #6# Get the sql text for an address
          sl  $SBIN/module2/s2/           #5# Show open sessions info
          seg  $SBIN/module2/s4/smenu_seg.ksh                       #4# all about segment statistics
          sys  $SBIN/module2/s6/smenu_sys_stats.ksh                 #9# Show system statistics
          ses  $SBIN/module2/s6/smenu_session_stats.ksh             #9# Show system statistics
          sls  $SBIN/module2/s6/               #9# Show system events
          sle  $SBIN/module2/s6/              #9# Show sessions events
          srv  $SBIN/module2/s6/smenu_service.ksh                   #9# Show all about services
          spx  $SBIN/module2/s7/smenu_show_pq_slave.ksh             #6# Show parallel query slave
          sga  $SBIN/module2/s8/            #a# Shared mem usage
          shed  $SBIN/module3/s3/smenu_scheduler.ksh                #1# List scheduler jobs
          sstv  $SBIN/module3/s4/smenu_choose_session_to_set_event.ksh #2# Set trace in session
          sx  $SBIN/module3/s4/smenu_dyn_explain_plan.ksh           #2# Display dynamic explain plan
          sta  $SBIN/module3/s6/smenu_gather_stat_tbl.ksh           #4# gather stats on table

    Edit source of shortcut 'frg'

    /home/scripts/smenu> vsh frg

    This works for any shortcuts!

    HOST=`echo $HOST | awk '{ printf ("%-+15.15s",$1)  }'`
    function help
    cat <tablespace name> ]
         frg -os -t <tablespace name> -rn <nn> -u <OWNER>
         frg -i
         frg -dus <user>                                       # If <user> is not given then all schema are processed
         frg -cr [<tablespace name>] [-q]                      # Generate statement to create tablespace, if no tbs name,
                                                               # then create statement for all.
            -b : figures in bytes
          -dus : Disk usage per user per tablespace
            -g : figures in Giga bytes
            -i : List metadata info on tablespaces
           -rn : Limite selection to <nn> rows
            -q : add user quota on tbs
           -os : List Object size
            -t : limit to this tablespace, it accpet partial name
            -h : this help

    Show me discussion about ...

    'wp' will do a grep on its base to see if there is a discussion about the word:

    /home/scripts/smenu> wp hint

    Try any word or part of word as argument.

     wp hint
     1) Hint ALL_ROWS                                                            42) Hint NO_INDEX
     2) Hint AND_EQUAL                                                           43) Hint NO_INDEX_FFS
     3) Hint APPEND                                                              44) Hint NO_MERGE
     4) Hint CACHE                                                               45) Hint NO_MONITOR
     5) Hint CHOOSE                                                              46) Hint NO_NATIVE_FULL_OUTER_JOIN
     6) Hint CLUSTER                                                             47) Hint NO_PARALLEL
     7) Hint CURSOR_SHARING_EXACT                                                48) Hint NO_PARALLEL_INDEX
     8) Hint DRIVING_SITE                                                        49) Hint NO_PUSH_PRED
     9) Hint DYNAMIC_SAMPLING                                                    50) Hint NO_PUSH_SUBQ
    10) Hint EXPAND_GSET_TO_UNION                                                51) Hint NO_PX_JOIN_FILTER
    11) Hint FACT                                                                52) Hint NO_QUERY_TRANSFORMATION
    12) Hint FIRST_ROWS                                                          53) Hint NO_RESULT_CACHE
    13) Hint FULL                                                                54) Hint NO_REWRITE
    14) Hint HASH                                                                55) Hint NO_STAR_TRANSFORMATION
    15) Hint HASH_AJ                                                             56) Hint NO_SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS
    16) Hint HASH_SJ                                                             57) Hint NO_UNNEST
    17) Hint INDEX                                                               58) Hint NO_USE_HASH
    18) Hint INDEX_ASC                                                           59) Hint NO_USE_MERGE
    19) Hint INDEX_COMBINE                                                       60) Hint NO_USE_NL
    20) Hint INDEX_DESC                                                          61) Hint OPT_PARAM
    21) Hint INDEX_FFS                                                           62) Hint ORDERED
    22) Hint INDEX_JOIN                                                          63) Hint ORDERED_PREDICATES
    23) Hint INDEX_RS_ASC                                                        64) Hint PARALLEL
    24) Hint INDEX_RS_DESC                                                       65) Hint PARALLEL_INDEX
    25) Hint INDEX_SS                                                            66) Hint PQ_DISTRIBUTE
    26) Hint INDEX_SS_ASC                                                        67) Hint PUSH_PRED
    27) Hint INDEX_SS_DESC                                                       68) Hint PUSH_SUBQ
    28) Hint INLINE                                                              69) Hint QB_NAME
    29) Hint LEADING                                                             70) Hint RESULT_CACHE
    30) Hint MATERIALIZE                                                         71) Hint REWRITE
    31) Hint MERGE                                                               72) Hint ROWID
    32) Hint MERGE_AJ                                                            73) Hint STAR
    33) Hint MERGE_SJ                                                            74) Hint STAR_TRANSFORMATION
    34) Hint MONITOR                                                             75) Hint SWAP_JOIN_INPUTS
    35) Hint NATIVE_FULL_OUTER_JOIN                                              76) Hint UNNEST
    36) Hint NL_AJ                                                               77) Hint USE_CONCAT
    37) Hint NL_SJ                                                               78) Hint USE_HASH
    38) Hint NOAPPEND                                                            79) Hint USE_MERGE
    39) Hint NOCACHE                                                             80) Hint USE_NL
    40) Hint NO_EXPAND                                                           81) Hint USE_NL_WITH_INDEX
    41) Hint NO_FACT                                                             82) Hint
    Select a field to explain, e to leave ==> 18
      Hint INDEX_ASC
    The INDEX_ASC hint explicitly chooses an index scan for the specified table. If the statement uses an index range scan,
    then Oracle scans the index entries in ascending order of their indexed values.
    /*+ INDEX_ASC ( table [index [index]...] ) */
    Because Oracle's default behavior for a range scan is to scan index entries in ascending order of their indexed values,
    this hint does not specify anything more than the INDEX hint. However, you might want to use the INDEX_ASC hint
    to specify ascending range scans explicitly should the default behavior change.

    View the help of a shortcut

    All shorctus have a -h options, but most will display the help if the shorctut is called without argument:
    /home/oracle/smenu]> tbl

               tbl -u <owner>  [-ord <n>]
               tbl -u <owner> -t <table_name>                           tbl -ext
               tbl -u <owner> -t <table_name> -ldl                      tbl -u <owner> -ext <table_name> -drop
               tbl -u <owner> -t <table_name>  -p  -d                   tbl -u <owner> -t <table_name> -ddl      # get the ddl
               tbl -u <owner> -t <table_name>  -c  -d                   tbl -u <owner> -t <table_name>  -pred    # list table predicate usage
               tbl -u <owner> -t <table_name>  -a  -d -i                tbl -u <owner> -cd <CONSTRAINT TYPE : ie 'P'> -x
               tbl -u <owner> -t <table_name>  -s                       tbl -u <owner> -log|-logc | -logu
               tbl -u <owner> -t <table_name>  -l                       tbl -t <table_name>  -lbs <lob column_name>
               tbl -u <owner> -cl <CONSTRAINT TYPE : ie 'P'>            tbl -u <owner> -t <table_name> -noidxfk
               tbl -u <owner> -ce <CONSTRAINT TYPE : ie 'P'> -x         tbl -n <table_name> (Add a % before, after or at both end) to the part name
               tbl -txn -t <table_name> -u <nn> ]        tbl -t <table_name>  -spc|-uspc  -part <PARTITION_NAME>  [-u <OWNER>]
               tbl -g -u <OWNER> -t <table_name>                        tbl [-u <owner>] -t <table_name> -col <COLUMN_NAME>
               tbl -dep -t <table_name> -u <tbs> -t
     -u <owner> [-nitbs <tbs>]
               add to -t :
                     -u  limit to owner                                -a  Chained rows
                     -c  Constraints                                   -d  Table description
                     -i  additional info on  table                   -lob  show lobs info
                     -p  (sub)partitions                               -s  List stats info gathered on columns
                   -ldl  display last ddl applied on the table       -ddl  extract ddl of table
                  -drop  drop external table                         -lbs  List lob size distrubtion
                   -spc  List space map using dbms_space.space_usage -uspc List unused space using dbms_space.unused_space
                   -dep  List all dependent segments                 -txn  List transaction available in flash.
                  -pred  show predicate usage;                       -ord <n> # values are 1 to 7 and represent columns
                    -g   List table columns with histogram on them   -col <COLUMN_NAME> List histograms on COLUMN_NAME
                    -cl  List schema Constraints. Constraint type is the letter representing the type of the constraint.  type 'ALL' to see all constraintstype
                    -cd  Generate script to Disable schema|table Constraints. Constraint type is the letter representing the type of the constraint.
                         type 'ALL' affect all constraintstype. If you omit table and leave only schema, then all constraints are taken in account
                    -ce  Generate script to Enable schema|table Constraints. Constraint type is the letter representing
                         the type of the constraint.  type 'ALL' affect all constraintstype. If you omit table and leave
                         only schema, then all constraint are taken in account
              -truncate  Generate script to truncate all tables in a given schema. '-x' option will not execute this.
                   -ext  List all  externamal tables; drop it if -t
     -drop is added
               -noidxfk  List Foreign key without index and the Parent table name and columns
                  -ntbs  Move table to new tbs <tablespace_name>. with -mi move also the indexes
                 -nitbs  In conjunction with '-ntbs', move also the indexes to new tablespace
                     -n  List all tables whose name is like %xxx%. You need to provide the % yourself : ie: tlb -u soe -n MV_%
                   -log  Supplemental log groups    -logc  supplemental column       -logu  supplemental column in table that without FK, PK or BITMAP
          Also you can use : 'idx -t <table_name>' to list associated indexes.  It is intentional that -drop only access external table.
         If you want to drop a table, connect into db.  The time it takes gives you a chance to realize what you do.
              tbl -t EMP -u SCOTT -s                  # List all colulns statistics
              tbl -t EMP -u SCOTT -p                  # List all partitions
              tbl -t EMP -u SCOTT -g                  # display all colums of table EMP with histogram on them
              tbl -t EMP -u SCOTT -col DEPNO          # display the histogram on column DEPNO
              tbl -t EMP -u SCOTT -ce ALL             # generate script to enable all constraints
              tbl -t EMP -u SCOTT -pred               # list column when they used as predicated and the type of predicate
              tbl -t EMP -u SCOTT -col EMPNO -pred    # list queries that use the column as predicate (from v$sql_plan)

    RMAN: list backup jobs

    /home/oracle/smenu> lsbk -jb

    [loadtest08:IBP:/home/oracle]> lsbk -jb
       Sess    Sess
        Key   Recid INPUT_TYPE       IN_SIZE   OUT_SIZE START_AT                 END_AT                   STATUS
    * * *
     ------- ------------- ---------- ---------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -----------------------
      56454   56454 DB FULL           284980      79951 19-JAN-11 18:30          19-JAN-11 22:06          FAILED
      56451   56451 ARCHIVELOG           149         83 19-JAN-11 17:50          19-JAN-11 17:50          COMPLETED
      56448   56448 ARCHIVELOG           117         71 19-JAN-11 17:40          19-JAN-11 17:40          COMPLETED
      56445   56445 ARCHIVELOG           314        140 19-JAN-11 17:30          19-JAN-11 17:30          COMPLETED
      56442   56442 ARCHIVELOG           156         88 19-JAN-11 17:20          19-JAN-11 17:20          COMPLETED
      56437   56437 ARCHIVELOG           122         69 19-JAN-11 17:10          19-JAN-11 17:10          COMPLETED
      56434   56434 ARCHIVELOG           174         95 19-JAN-11 17:00          19-JAN-11 17:00          COMPLETED
      56431   56431 ARCHIVELOG           238        116 19-JAN-11 16:50          19-JAN-11 16:50          COMPLETED
      56428   56428 ARCHIVELOG           143         84 19-JAN-11 16:40          19-JAN-11 16:40          COMPLETED
      56425   56425 ARCHIVELOG           237        118 19-JAN-11 16:30          19-JAN-11 16:30          COMPLETED
      56422   56422 ARCHIVELOG           185         99 19-JAN-11 16:20          19-JAN-11 16:20          COMPLETED
      56419   56419 ARCHIVELOG           161         91 19-JAN-11 16:10          19-JAN-11 16:10          COMPLETED
      56416   56416 ARCHIVELOG           256        126 19-JAN-11 16:00          19-JAN-11 16:00          COMPLETED
      56413   56413 ARCHIVELOG           640        242 19-JAN-11 15:50          19-JAN-11 15:50          COMPLETED
      56410   56410 ARCHIVELOG           135         84 19-JAN-11 15:40          19-JAN-11 15:40          COMPLETED
      56407   56407 ARCHIVELOG           212        112 19-JAN-11 15:30          19-JAN-11 15:30          COMPLETED
      56404   56404 ARCHIVELOG           186         99 19-JAN-11 15:20          19-JAN-11 15:20          COMPLETED

    RMAN: list content of a backup piece (datafile)

    /home/oracle/smenu> lsbk -f 53166

                            Backuped       File
           KEY       SEQ#    size(m)    size(m) STATUS      NAME
    * * *
     ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         53166          8      215.6        300 Available   +ASMLTDISKGROUP1/ibp/datafile/ibs6_accinfo_data_200802.382.742214885
         53166         11      261.9        300 Available   +ASMLTDISKGROUP1/ibp/datafile/ibs6_accinfo_data_200805.384.742215097
         53166         13        471        500 Available   +ASMLTDISKGROUP1/ibp/datafile/ibs6_accinfo_data_200807.381.742214815
         53166         15      731.7        800 Available   +ASMLTDISKGROUP1/ibp/datafile/ibs6_accinfo_data_200809.378.742214147
         53166         17      999.4       1100 Available   +ASMLTDISKGROUP1/ibp/datafile/ibs6_accinfo_data_200811.377.742213819
         53166         22     2539.8       2600 Available   +ASMLTDISKGROUP1/ibp/datafile/ibs6_accinfo_data_200904.367.742211337
         53166         27     4180.6       4200 Available   +ASMLTDISKGROUP1/ibp/datafile/ibs6_accinfo_data_200909.363.742211335
         53166         29     5132.3       5200 Available   +ASMLTDISKGROUP1/ibp/datafile/ibs6_accinfo_data_200911.359.742211329
         53166         35     8397.6       8500 Available   +ASMLTDISKGROUP1/ibp/datafile/ibs6_accinfo_data_201005.353.742211315
         53166         36    11355.8      11500 Available   +ASMLTDISKGROUP1/ibp/datafile/ibs6_accinfo_data_201006.349.742211307
         53166         47     2192.2       2300 Available   +ASMLTDISKGROUP1/ibp/datafile/ibs6_eb_admin_data_1m.371.742211347
         53166         52    32750.1      32768 Available   +ASMLTDISKGROUP1/ibp/datafile/ibs6_eb_bf_data_32m.344.742211287
         53166         53     6300.6       6500 Available   +ASMLTDISKGROUP1/ibp/datafile/ibs6_eb_bf_index_32m.357.742211321
         53166         54       16.7        100 Available   +ASMLTDISKGROUP1/ibp/datafile/ibs6_eb_meta_data_64k.391.742215283
         53166         55         13        100 Available   +ASMLTDISKGROUP1/ibp/datafile/ibs6_eb_meta_index_64k.392.742215307
         53166         63         .2       2048 Available   +ASMLTDISKGROUP1/ibp/datafile/ibs6_accinfo_data_201102.376.742213713

    RMAN: list content of a backup piece (archive)

    /home/oracle/smenu> lsbk -f 53171

                            Backuped       File
           KEY       SEQ#    size(m)    size(m) STATUS      NAME
    * * *
     ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
         53171      21964       17.1       43.1 Deleted     Archive: Start 2011-01-19 20:08:10  SCN 3391149698 --> 3391179820
         53171      21965       17.1       43.1 Deleted     Archive: Start 2011-01-19 20:10:15  SCN 3391179820 --> 3391236692
         53171      21966       17.1       43.1 Deleted     Archive: Start 2011-01-19 20:15:08  SCN 3391236692 --> 3391279165
         53171      21967       17.1       43.1 Deleted     Archive: Start 2011-01-19 20:19:54  SCN 3391279165 --> 3391325877
         53171      21968       17.3       43.6 Deleted     Archive: Start 2011-01-19 20:24:05  SCN 3391325877 --> 3391403534
         53171      21969       17.1       43.1 Deleted     Archive: Start 2011-01-19 20:30:42  SCN 3391403534 --> 3391480890
         53171      21970       17.1       43.1 Deleted     Archive: Start 2011-01-19 20:38:04  SCN 3391480890 --> 3391558724
         53171      21971       17.1       43.1 Deleted     Archive: Start 2011-01-19 20:46:39  SCN 3391558724 --> 3391657577
         53171      21972       17.1       43.1 Deleted     Archive: Start 2011-01-19 20:58:02  SCN 3391657577 --> 3391737399
         53171      21973       17.1       43.1 Deleted     Archive: Start 2011-01-19 21:06:37  SCN 3391737399 --> 3391827261
         53171      21974       17.1       43.1 Deleted     Archive: Start 2011-01-19 21:19:08  SCN 3391827261 --> 3391877170
         53171      21975       17.1       43.1 Deleted     Archive: Start 2011-01-19 21:34:43  SCN 3391877170 --> 3391916124
         53171      21976         10       25.4 Deleted     Archive: Start 2011-01-19 21:48:49  SCN 3391916124 --> 3392104324

    RMAN: List backups

    /home/oracle/smenu> lsbk -lp

    [loadtest08:IBP:/home/oracle]> lsbk -lp
    MACHINE loadtest08      -  ORACLE_SID: IBP
    Date                    -  Friday    04th February  2011  17:33:05
    Username                -  SYS             (help: lsbk -h)
    Available backup pieces contained in the control file.
    Use lsbk -f <BP_PIECE> to view content of the piece
        BS  Pce  Cpy     BP           Com                                                                   Start          End             Elapsed
       Key    #    #    Key Status        Handle                                                            Time           Time            Seconds  size(m)
    * * *
     ---- ---- ------ --------- --- ----------------------------------------------------------------- -------------- -------------- -------- --------
     53171    1    1  53171 Available YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3um2hl0d_1_1                         01-19 22:07:10 01-19 22:08:14       64    215.0
     53170    1    1  53170 Available YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3tm2hl0d_1_1                         01-19 22:07:10 01-19 22:08:04       54    225.6
     53169    1    1  53169 Available YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_40m2hl0d_1_1                         01-19 22:07:11 01-19 22:08:00       49    195.5
     53168    1    1  53168 Available YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3vm2hl0d_1_1                         01-19 22:07:11 01-19 22:08:00       49    195.9
     53167    1    1  53167 Available NO  /PDM/IBP/database/cf_auto_IBP_c-810902110-20110119-6c             01-19 22:06:44 01-19 22:06:44        0     40.0
     53166    1    1  53166 Available YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3om2h89g_1_1                         01-19 18:30:08 01-19 22:06:41   12,993  30033.5
     53165    1    1  53165 Available YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3rm2h89g_1_1                         01-19 18:30:09 01-19 21:45:07   11,698  28013.7
     53164    1    1  53164 Available YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3qm2h89g_1_1                         01-19 18:30:08 01-19 19:26:00    3,352  12007.0
     53163    1    1  53163 Available YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3pm2h89g_1_1                         01-19 18:30:08 01-19 19:13:14    2,586   9857.7
     53162    1    1  53162 Expired   NO  /PDM/IBP/database/cf_auto_IBP_c-810902110-20110119-6b             01-19 17:50:23 01-19 17:50:23        0     40.0
     53161    1    1  53161 Expired   YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3lm2h5um_1_1                         01-19 17:50:15 01-19 17:50:19        4     15.3
     53160    1    1  53160 Expired   YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3km2h5um_1_1                         01-19 17:50:15 01-19 17:50:19        4     16.4
     53159    1    1  53159 Expired   YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3mm2h5um_1_1                         01-19 17:50:15 01-19 17:50:18        3     11.2
     53158    1    1  53158 Expired   NO  /PDM/IBP/database/cf_auto_IBP_c-810902110-20110119-6a             01-19 17:40:23 01-19 17:40:23        0     40.0
     53157    1    1  53157 Expired   YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3hm2h5bu_1_1                         01-19 17:40:15 01-19 17:40:19        4     17.1
     53156    1    1  53156 Expired   YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3im2h5bu_1_1                         01-19 17:40:15 01-19 17:40:19        4     14.2
     53155    1    1  53155 Expired   NO  /PDM/IBP/database/cf_auto_IBP_c-810902110-20110119-69             01-19 17:30:19 01-19 17:30:20        1     40.0
     53154    1    1  53154 Expired   YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3cm2h4ov_1_1                         01-19 17:30:08 01-19 17:30:18       10     34.3
     53153    1    1  53153 Expired   YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3em2h4ov_1_1                         01-19 17:30:08 01-19 17:30:15        7     30.8
     53152    1    1  53152 Expired   YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3dm2h4ov_1_1                         01-19 17:30:08 01-19 17:30:15        7     31.2
     53151    1    1  53151 Expired   YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3fm2h4ov_1_1                         01-19 17:30:11 01-19 17:30:12        1      3.7
     53150    1    1  53150 Expired   NO  /PDM/IBP/database/cf_auto_IBP_c-810902110-20110119-68             01-19 17:20:21 01-19 17:20:22        1     40.0
     53149    1    1  53149 Expired   YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_37m2h46e_1_1                         01-19 17:20:15 01-19 17:20:20        5     17.8
     53148    1    1  53148 Expired   YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_38m2h46e_1_1                         01-19 17:20:15 01-19 17:20:19        4     16.7
     53147    1    1  53147 Expired   YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_39m2h46e_1_1                         01-19 17:20:15 01-19 17:20:18        3     11.1
     53146    1    1  53146 Expired   YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_3am2h46e_1_1                         01-19 17:20:15 01-19 17:20:16        1      3.1
     53145    1    1  53145 Expired   NO  /PDM/IBP/database/cf_auto_IBP_c-810902110-20110119-67             01-19 17:10:23 01-19 17:10:23        0     40.0
     53144    1    1  53144 Expired   YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_34m2h3jm_1_1                         01-19 17:10:15 01-19 17:10:20        5     16.3
     53143    1    1  53143 Expired   YES /PDM/IBP/database/backup_IBP_35m2h3jm_1_1                         01-19 17:10:15 01-19 17:10:19        4     13.1
     53142    1    1  53142 Expired   NO  /PDM/IBP/database/cf_auto_IBP_c-810902110-20110119-66             01-19 17:00:24 01-19 17:00:24        0     40.0

    List dependent objects

    /home/oracle/smenu> dep ZU -u APPLICATION_M

    MACHINE bpadev    - ORACLE_SID : DEV102                                       Page:   1
    Date              -  Monday    24th January   2011  13:04:17
    Username          -  SYS                            Objects tree that depends on ZU
    Name                           TYPE                OWNER                constraint                     LAST_MODIFIED       STATUS
    * * *
     ------------------- -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------- -------
    ZU2VALIDATE                    TABLE               APPLICATION_M        ZU2VALIDATE_ZU_FK              2010-04-19 11:11:57 VALID
    ZUDDHASH                       TABLE               APPLICATION_M        ZUDDHASH_ZU_FK1                2010-04-19 11:11:56 VALID
    ZUACL_BITCODE                  TABLE               APPLICATION_M        ZUACL_ZU_FR                    2010-04-19 11:11:50 VALID
    ZUPROCESSOR                    TABLE               APPLICATION_M        ZUPROCESSOR2ZU_FK              2011-01-20 06:40:25 VALID
    ZU_INVALIDATECACHE             TRIGGER             APPLICATION_M                                       2011-01-20 06:40:26 VALID
    INT_UPLOAD_MONITOR             TRIGGER             APPLICATION_M                                       2011-01-05 14:01:17 INVALID
    UPD_ZU_BU                      TRIGGER             APPLICATION_M                                       2011-01-20 06:40:25 VALID
    RELEASED                       PACKAGE BODY        APPLICATION_M                                       2011-01-05 14:01:15 VALID
    ZU_STATE_PKG                   PACKAGE             APPLICATION_M                                       2011-01-05 14:01:12 VALID
      CUSTACCTLVL_BEFORE           TRIGGER             APPLICATION_M                                       2011-01-20 06:40:25 VALID
      CUSTACCTLVL_BEFORE_UPDATE    TRIGGER             APPLICATION_M                                       2011-01-20 06:40:25 VALID
    CLONEPKG                       PACKAGE             APPLICATION_M                                       2011-01-05 14:01:12 VALID
      CLONEPKG                     SYNONYM             APPLICATION                                         2010-09-03 16:12:08 INVALID
      CLONEPKG                     PACKAGE BODY        APPLICATION_M                                       2011-01-05 14:01:15 VALID
    HOOKSELECTION                  PACKAGE             APPLICATION_M                                       2011-01-05 14:01:13 VALID
      HOOKSELECTION                PACKAGE BODY        APPLICATION_M                                       2011-01-05 14:01:15 VALID
    CUSTCURRENCYLVL                TABLE               APPLICATION_M        CUSTCURRENCYLVL_ZU             2011-01-20 06:40:23 VALID
      CUSTARCHIACTIONLVL           TABLE               APPLICATION_M          SMMTRNSCTNLVL_SMMCCTLVL      2011-01-20 06:40:23 VALID

    Statistics: Create a frequency histogram for the 254 more skewed values

    this routine automate the creation of frequency histogram limited to the 254 more skewed columns. Within the boundaries of the histogram, all value were the one given either by the histogram or by the density. Outside, will be 1

    /home/oracle/smenu> tbl -t USERMESSAGE -g -col USERIDENTITY_ID -v

        srec                      dbms_stats.statrec;
        a_bucket                  dbms_stats.numarray;
        v_tot_rows_not_in_freq    number;
        v_tot                     number;
        v_density                 number;
        v_distinct_key_not_in_freq   number;
        v_cutoff                  number :=150     -- set here your variable
         -- create the histogram, maximum 254 buckets but may be lower following v_cutoff_value
         select cpt, USERIDENTITY_ID bulk collect into srec.bkvals, a_bucket from (
              cpt, USERIDENTITY_ID
         from ( select count(*) cpt, USERIDENTITY_ID
                                  from IBS6_EB_OWNER.USERMESSAGE
                                       group by USERIDENTITY_ID order by count(*) desc
         where rownum

    Produces this histogram:

    TABLE_NAME   COLUMN_NAME        Bck nbr ENDPOINT_VALUE Frequency
    * * *
     --------------- ---------- -------------- ----------
    USERMESSAGE  USERIDENTITY_ID        303             11        303
                                       1990             12       1687
                                       2443             19        453
                                       5165             21       2722
                                       5417             24        252
                                       5945             27        528
                                       6105             33        160
                                       6381             85        276
                                      23950            148      17569

    Expected cardinality is very close. I wonder why it modified the 17569 to 17792

    * * *
    SQL_ID  81dtb814kvvy9, child number 0
    * * *
    SELECT /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ COUNT(*) FROM usermessage um, useridentity ui  ,
    usermessagetype umt WHERE um.isconsumed = 0 AND ui.useridentity_id = um.useridentity_id  AND
    umt.usermessagetype_id = um.usermessagetype_id AND ui.useridentity_id = 149
    Plan hash value: 3616009165
    * * *
    | Id  | Operation                     | Name            | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers |
    * * *
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT              |                 |      1 |        |      1 |00:00:00.01 |     231 |
    |   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE               |                 |      1 |      1 |      1 |00:00:00.01 |     231 |
    |   2 |   NESTED LOOPS                |                 |      1 |    180 |     33 |00:00:00.01 |     231 |
    |*  3 |    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN          | USERIDENTITY_PK |      1 |      1 |      1 |00:00:00.01 |       2 |
    |*  4 |    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| USERMESSAGE     |      1 |    180 |     33 |00:00:00.01 |     229 |
    |*  5 |     INDEX RANGE SCAN          | USERMESSAGE_IDX |      1 |    426 |    421 |00:00:00.01 |       5 |
    * * *
    Predicate Information (identified by operation id):
    * * *
       3 - access("UI"."USERIDENTITY_ID"=149)
       4 - filter("UM"."ISCONSUMED"=0)
       5 - access("UM"."USERIDENTITY_ID"=149)

    Not bad

    * * *
    SQL_ID  0z8t787a3t8an, child number 0
    * * *
    SELECT /*+ gather_plan_statistics */ COUNT(*) FROM usermessage um, useridentity ui  ,
    usermessagetype umt WHERE um.isconsumed = 0 AND ui.useridentity_id = um.useridentity_id  AND
    umt.usermessagetype_id = um.usermessagetype_id AND ui.useridentity_id = 169
    Plan hash value: 3616009165
    * * *
    | Id  | Operation                     | Name            | Starts | E-Rows | A-Rows |   A-Time   | Buffers |
    * * *
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT              |                 |      1 |        |      1 |00:00:00.01 |      11 |
    |   1 |  SORT AGGREGATE               |                 |      1 |      1 |      1 |00:00:00.01 |      11 |
    |   2 |   NESTED LOOPS                |                 |      1 |     10 |      9 |00:00:00.01 |      11 |
    |*  3 |    INDEX UNIQUE SCAN          | USERIDENTITY_PK |      1 |      1 |      1 |00:00:00.01 |       2 |
    |*  4 |    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID| USERMESSAGE     |      1 |     10 |      9 |00:00:00.01 |       9 |
    |*  5 |     INDEX RANGE SCAN          | USERMESSAGE_IDX |      1 |     23 |      9 |00:00:00.01 |       3 |
    * * *
    23 rows this is the default density : 5673/250 = 22.692 round up to 23.

    SQL: Show me sql actives the last 'n' seconds

    /home/scripts/smenu> sq -m 4

    MACHINE vblinux001      - ORACLE_SID : DEV 
    Date              -  Wednesday 29th December  2010  15:13:47
    Username          -  SYS        List  SQL run during the last 4 seconds
    Last active
        time     HASH_VALUE   TO_EXECS   AVG_GETS        Owner       SQL_TEXT
    * * *
     ---------- ---------- ------------ ---------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    15:13:45     1070336601          1          2.0 SYS               select  to_char(last_active_time,'HH24:MI:SS')last_active_time, hash_value
                 4281219134      20453         28.4 SYSMAN           BEGIN EMD_NOTIFICATION.QUEUE_READY(:1, :2, :3); END;
                 2194907850        339          0.0 SYS              select SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'SERVER_HOST'), SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'DB_UN
                 1398610540        588          2.0 SYS              select text from view$ where rowid=:1
                 1950821498       3555          4.1 SYS              select value$ from props$ where name = 'GLOBAL_DB_NAME'
                 3737418196          1          0.0 SYS              select 'Date              -  '||to_char(sysdate,'Day Ddth Month YYYY  HH24:

    SQL: Show me the text of the sql whose hash_value|sql_id ...

    /home/scripts/smenu> st 2329266020


    SQL:Format the sql text whose hash_Value|sql_id is

    /home/scripts/smenu> st -f 2329266020
    Basic logic but works for 99% of SELECT. I recommend to pay a look to the source 'vsh st'

         AND TGT.TARGET_TYPE = :B2

    SQL: Generate a usable script for this sql with binds

    /home/scripts/smenu> st -sgen 1476264175
    This is very useful to re-test existing SQL. When you have several ten's of binds, it becomes a real pain. This script, fetch the binds values and type from v$sql_bind_capture. Works also from the AWR using 'aw -sgen -b <n>' where -b will let you pick the period.

    * * *
    Date :2010-12-29 14:59:15
    * * *
    variable :B21 Varchar2(4000)
    exec :B21:='96a524c8aa55d25eca99eb65c9fb86b8';
    variable :B12 varchar2(30)
    exec :B12:=_;_

    SQL: Show sql plan execution steps

    Given the following plan: /opt/scripts/smenu> sx -s 032c25z00scp3

    * * *
    | Id  | Operation                  | Name                           | Rows  | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time     |
    * * *
    |   0 | SELECT STATEMENT           |                                |       |       |     2 (100)|          |
    |   1 |  SORT UNIQUE               |                                |     1 |   211 |     1 (100)| 00:00:01 |
    |   2 |   NESTED LOOPS OUTER       |                                |     1 |   211 |     0   (0)|          |
    |   3 |    NESTED LOOPS            |                                |     1 |   150 |     0   (0)|          |
    |*  4 |     FIXED TABLE FULL       | X$KGLLK                        |     1 |    60 |     0   (0)|          |
    |*  5 |     FIXED TABLE FIXED INDEX| X$KGLNA (ind:1)                |     1 |    90 |     0   (0)|          |
    |*  6 |    FIXED TABLE FIXED INDEX | X$KGLCURSOR_CHILD_SQLID (ind:1 |     1 |    61 |     0   (0)|          |
    * * *

    We can see the orders of the executions steps: /opt/scripts/smenu> sx -stp 032c25z00scp3

         Id in
    Step plan  LINE
    * * *
     ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
       1 (4)    FIXED TABLE FULL X$KGLLK Ela= 0 (0) C.Ela=0 (0) Gets=0 (0) C.Gets=0 (0) Dsk Reads=0 (0) C.Dsk Reads=0 (0)E Rows=1 A Rows=0
       2 (3)    NESTED LOOPS Ela= 0 (0) C.Ela=0 (0) Gets=0 (0) C.Gets=0 (0) Dsk Reads=0 (0) C.Dsk Reads=0 (0)E Rows=1 A Rows=0
       3 (2)    NESTED LOOPS OUTER Ela= 0 (0) C.Ela=0 (0) Gets=0 (0) C.Gets=0 (0) Dsk Reads=0 (0) C.Dsk Reads=0 (0)E Rows=1 A Rows=0
       4 (1)    SORT UNIQUE Ela= 0 (0) C.Ela=0 (0) Gets=0 (0) C.Gets=0 (0) Dsk Reads=0 (0) C.Dsk Reads=0 (0)E Rows=1 A Rows=0
       6 (5)    FIXED TABLE FIXED INDEX X$KGLNA (ind:1) Ela= 0 (0) C.Ela=0 (0) Gets=0 (0) C.Gets=0 (0) Dsk Reads=0 (0) C.Dsk Reads=0 (0)E Rows=1 A Rows=0
       7 (3)    NESTED LOOPS Ela= 0 (0) C.Ela=0 (0) Gets=0 (0) C.Gets=0 (0) Dsk Reads=0 (0) C.Dsk Reads=0 (0)E Rows=1 A Rows=0
       8 (2)    NESTED LOOPS OUTER Ela= 0 (0) C.Ela=0 (0) Gets=0 (0) C.Gets=0 (0) Dsk Reads=0 (0) C.Dsk Reads=0 (0)E Rows=1 A Rows=0
       9 (1)    SORT UNIQUE Ela= 0 (0) C.Ela=0 (0) Gets=0 (0) C.Gets=0 (0) Dsk Reads=0 (0) C.Dsk Reads=0 (0)E Rows=1 A Rows=0
      11 (6)    FIXED TABLE FIXED INDEX X$KGLCURSOR_CHILD_SQLID (ind:1 Ela= 0 (0) C.Ela=0 (0) Gets=0 (0) C.Gets=0 (0) Dsk Reads=0 (0) C.Dsk Reads=0 (0)E Rows=1 A Rows=0
      12 (2)    NESTED LOOPS OUTER Ela= 0 (0) C.Ela=0 (0) Gets=0 (0) C.Gets=0 (0) Dsk Reads=0 (0) C.Dsk Reads=0 (0)E Rows=1 A Rows=0
      13 (1)    SORT UNIQUE Ela= 0 (0) C.Ela=0 (0) Gets=0 (0) C.Gets=0 (0) Dsk Reads=0 (0) C.Dsk Reads=0 (0)E Rows=1 A Rows=0

    List tables columns used as predicates

    opt/scripts/smenu> tbl -t CUSTOMER -pred

                                                                   Equality equijoin equijoin  Range   Like    Null
    Table name                          Column                      Preds    Preds    Preds    Pred    Preds   Preds  Date
    * * *
     -------------------------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- -----------------
    REPL_CA_OWNER.CUSTOMER              VIEWERPROFILE_ID                144      457        0       0       0       0 17-12-10 10:47:32
    REPL_CA_OWNER.CUSTOMER              ARCHACCOUNT_ID                  123       75        0       0       0     120 17-12-10 07:39:30
    REPL_CA_OWNER.CUSTOMER              CUSTOMER_ID                      30       67        0       0       0       0 17-12-10 07:39:30
    REPL_CA_OWNER.CUSTOMER              ARCHCUSTOMER_ID                  35        3        0       0       0       0 16-12-10 13:47:55

    View query that uses a given table column as predicate

    opt/scripts/smenu> tbl -t CUSTOMER -pred -col CUSTOMER_ID

                                                                   Equality equijoin equijoin  Range   Like    Null
    Table name                          Column                      Preds    Preds    Preds    Pred    Preds   Preds  Date
    * * *
     -------------------------- -------- -------- -------- ------- ------- ------- -----------------
    REPL_CA_OWNER.CUSTOMER              CUSTOMER_ID                      30       67        0       0       0       0 17-12-10 07:39:30
     Plan hash                        Ch    Oper  Plan    Estimed    Avg seen            Acc Fil Oth
        value       Id SQL_ID         ld    Cost  cost      card       card    Execution ess ter er  Operation
    * * *
     ---- ------------- --- ------- ------- ---------- ---------- --------- --- --- --- ------------------------------
       2566212103   13 4nrwy1mvbu0pf   0      14      48       9832                    3  N   Y   Y  TABLE ACCESS FULL
       3808009148    1 4vwujzjmw5npy   0      14      14       9888                    0  N   N   Y  TABLE ACCESS FULL
       2566212103   13 9nypz73870xcr   0      14      48       9832                   11  N   Y   Y  TABLE ACCESS FULL
                    13                 1      14      48       9832                    5  N   Y   Y  TABLE ACCESS FULL
        450446611    1 b5ymc765nc7rw   0       2       2          2                    1  N   N   Y  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID
        299958797    2 f1ss0xgynu4up   0       2       2          1                    3  N   N   Y  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID

    SQL: Show plan present in v$sql_plan sorted by cost

    /opt/scripts/smenu> sx -l -cost

    MACHINE loadtest05      - ORACLE_SID : DEV                                                                                 Page:   1
    Date              -  Wednesday 08th December  2010  16:53:51
    Username          -  BPA  List plan by Cost
                          Plan     last active                                                Nbr
    Username            hash value    time     SQL_ID         Ch   Cost    Execs       gets  plan TXT
    * * *
     ----------- ----------- ------------- --- ------ -------- ---------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------
    REPL_CA_PERF        1186469467 12-06/16:14 6t6zxa9xnchk2   1  37414        1     164240     1 SELECT ba.TB_id, b.systemfilename, bc.contractid FROM b
    REPL_CA_USER        2167909657 12-03/11:38 b6zmf2cx39vw3   1  33607       73   11022136     4 select TB.TB_id, TB.sender, TB.ARCHcustomer_id, TB.upda
                                   12-04/02:22 b6zmf2cx39vw3   0  33605      352   53147798     4 select TB.TB_id, TB.sender, TB.ARCHcustomer_id, TB.upda
                                   12-07/02:26 b6zmf2cx39vw3   2  33605       40    6039532     4 select TB.TB_id, TB.sender, TB.ARCHcustomer_id, TB.upda
    REPL_CA_PERF        2167909657 12-08/00:18 b6zmf2cx39vw3   3  33605       17    2566808     4 select TB.TB_id, TB.sender, TB.ARCHcustomer_id, TB.upda
    WMSYS                370289257 11-29/23:15 fnya6frbtntjm   0   8274        7     255809     1 update  /* WM$SQL(1194)(REPL_CA_OWNER.TBACL_BITCODE) */
                        1822140895 11-29/23:15 8y07kfdwu3a6q   0   8260        7     257813     1 update  /* WM$SQL(1206)(REPL_CA_OWNER.TBACL_BITCODE) */
                        1623947852 11-29/23:15 70m6fdav2dtmp   0   4596        7     116071     1 update  /* WM$SQL(1194)(REPL_CA_OWNER.SUMMCURRENCYLVL)
                         635047828 11-29/23:15 cppawjmf5mv8m   0   4591        7     115604     1 update  /* WM$SQL(1206)(REPL_CA_OWNER.SUMMCURRENCYLVL)
                        1392049166 12-03/13:35 6svawdhxztd6y   0   4510        2        181     1 update  /* WM$SQL(1206)(REPL_CA_OWNER.TB) */
                        3698432344 12-03/13:35 1nrpw4v6a7xzb   0   4509        2        177     1 update  /* WM$SQL(1194)(REPL_CA_OWNER.TB) */
    REPL_CA_PERF        1972646353 12-03/15:19 cps43g0yyyj1m   0   4230       14    1492746     4 SELECT cp.counterparty_id, cp.updatecount, cp.alias, cp
                                   12-06/16:40 cps43g0yyyj1m   1   4230      218   23242218     4 SELECT cp.counterparty_id, cp.updatecount, cp.alias, cp
                                   12-07/13:25 cps43g0yyyj1m   2   4230      897   95664557     4 SELECT cp.counterparty_id, cp.updatecount, cp.alias, cp
                                   12-08/10:04 cps43g0yyyj1m   3   4230        3     319884     4 SELECT cp.counterparty_id, cp.updatecount, cp.alias, cp
    BPA                 1419144079 12-08/12:27 95zy2kcmfrrfh   0   4177        1       1942     1 select instance_number, to_char(sample_time,'HH24:MI:SS
                        4138118298 12-08/12:21 9m2qnbbppv9zm   0   4177        2       3915     1 select instance_number, to_char(sample_time,'HH24:MI:SS
    WMSYS               2453292706 11-29/23:15 004yhvzd1htk8   0   3494        7     110187     1 update  /* WM$SQL(1194)(REPL_CA_OWNER.INITIATOREBUSERID
                             26703 11-29/23:15 71jhy6cb98f8u   0   3488        7     110173     1 update  /* WM$SQL(1206)(REPL_CA_OWNER.INITIATOREBUSERID
                        4089586455 11-29/23:15 famrx5a74h2hq   0   2989        6      78230     1 update  /* WM$SQL(1194)(REPL_CA_OWNER.TB2ARCHIVE) */
                        3475308645 11-29/23:15 7x18z3tm1xr7p   0   2983        6      78216     1 update  /* WM$SQL(1206)(REPL_CA_OWNER.TB2ARCHIVE) */
    REPL_CA_PERF        2502654689 12-07/14:25 d9r3jfj5n0nbm   0   2885        3      20454     1 select * from accountsgbyebuser where ARCHaccount_id in
                                   12-07/14:30 fzg7uf7sqwaaw   0   2885        8      54514     1 select * from accountsgbyebuser where ARCHaccount_id in
                         662475514 11-30/23:19 fcq1v0s7uaj5c   0   2523        8       9088     1 SELECT bbb.beneficiaryARCHbranch_id, bbb.location, bbb.
                        2318155007 12-08/10:04 8b514yxf19h0c   1   2412        3        886     1 SELECT  TB.TB_id, TB.status, bs.shortname, TB.userfilen
                                   12-08/10:04 ctpktd10b14wj   1   2412        3        886     1 SELECT  TB.TB_id, TB.status, bs.shortname, TB.userfilen
    SYS                     375163 11-29/17:32 7cq8d0jqxzum1   0   2284       47     488021     3 delete from smon_scn_time where thread=0 and scn =  (se
                                   12-01/02:14 7cq8d0jqxzum1   2   2284      147    1526337     3 delete from smon_scn_time where thread=0 and scn =  (se
                                   12-07/22:05 7cq8d0jqxzum1   4   2284      245    2543956     3 delete from smon_scn_time where thread=0 and scn =  (se

    view all open cursor for a session

    /opt/scripts/smenu> soc -o 1322

    HASH_VALUE COMMAND        Cpu time (ms) LAST_ACTIVE_TIME         Sql Text
    * * *
     -------------- ------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------
    1950821498 SELECT                   2.5 DEC-06 15:11:05          select value$ from props$ where name = 'GLOBAL_DB_NAME'
    2017311249 SELECT                   0.6 DEC-06 15:11:05          select decode(failover_method, NULL, 0 , 'BASIC', 1, 'PRECONNECT
                                                                     ', 2 , 'PREPARSE', 4 , 0), decode(failover_type, NULL, 1 , 'NONE
                                                                     ', 1 , 'SESSION', 2, 'SELECT',  4, 1), failover_retries, failove
                                                                     r_delay, flags from service$ where name = :1
    2194907850 SELECT                   2.4 DEC-06 15:11:05          select SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'SERVER_HOST'), SYS_CONTEXT('USERE
                                                                     NV', 'DB_UNIQUE_NAME'), SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'INSTANCE_NAME'),
                                                                      SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'SERVICE_NAME'), INSTANCE_NUMBER, STARTU
                                                                     P_TIME, SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'DB_DOMAIN') from v$instance wher
                                                                     e INSTANCE_NAME=SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV', 'INSTANCE_NAME')
    3873422482 SELECT                   2.3 DEC-06 15:11:05          select privilege# from sysauth$ where (grantee#=:1 or grantee#=1
                                                                     ) and privilege#&gt;0

    Display objects count and type per schema

    /opt/scripts/smenu> cpt

    * * *
     ------ ------ ------ ----- ----- ----- ------ ----- ------ ------ ------
    SYS                  10    709    837    83    10    77     58   506   2935      9  17889
    SYSTEM                     141    205    20     2            1     1     12      8     97
    PUBLIC                                                                       20084     50
    BPA                        101      2                                                 246
    CTXSYS                      37     47     3           2      2    67     55           136
    DBSNMP                      22     12     2                  1     3      1            26
    DMSYS                        2      2     1          12           27      1           175
    EXFSYS                      44     39     1     5    23      8    17     56           136
    MDSYS                       55     86     7    38   107      3    49     59           598
    OLAPSYS                    126    137     5    48     1           45    308           177
    ORACLE_OCM                                                         3                   18
    ORDPLUGINS                                                         5                   11
    ORDSYS                       4      4                34      8    17      5          1663
    OUTLN                        3      5                        1                          1
    SCOTT                        4      2                                                   0
    SI_INFORMTN_SCHE                                                                 8      0
    SYSMAN                     342    426     5    48     8      2    73    136           375
    TSMSYS                       1      2                                                   1
    WMSYS                       44     67     9     2     4      4    22    110           149
    XDB                         36    385     2    11     5      5    20      2           577

    List DB tablespaces

    /opt/scripts/smenu> frg

                               Free     Largest       Total      Available    %    % used
           Tablespace          Frags   Frag (Megs)     (Megs)       (Megs)    Used  Auto ext
    * * *
     -------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---- ---------
    SYSAUX                           1          5.2        240.0          5.2   98         1
    SYSTEM                           2          8.9        450.0          9.0   98         1
    TEMP                             0          0.0         20.0         15.0   25         0
    UNDOTBS1                        19          1.1         25.0          3.5   86         0
    USERS                            2          0.8      1,288.8          1.5  100         4
                              --------              ------------ ------------
    sum                             24                   2,023.8         34.2

    List content of a tablespace

    /opt/scripts/smenu> frg -t users -os

    MACHINE loadtest05      - ORACLE_SID : DEV102A          Page:   1
    OWNER          SEGMENT_NAME                                            SEGMENT_TYPE        Size(mb)
    * * *
     ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ ---------
    BPA            SYS_LOB0000052203C00038$$                               LOBSEGMENT             573.0
                   WRH$_SQL_BIND_METADATA                                  TABLE                  496.0
                   SYS_LOB0000052200C00004$$                               LOBSEGMENT              72.0
                   WRH$_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY                                  TABLE                   23.0
                   WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY.WRH$_ACTIVE_810902110_5020  TABLE PARTITION         12.0
                   WRH$_SQL_PLAN                                           TABLE                   11.0
                   WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY.WRH$_ACTIVE_810902110_4709  TABLE PARTITION         11.0
                   WRH$_ENQUEUE_STAT                                       TABLE                   10.0
                   WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY.WRH$_ACTIVE_810902110_4924  TABLE PARTITION         10.0
                   WRH$_SQLSTAT.WRH$_SQLSTA_810902110_4709                 TABLE PARTITION          9.0
                   WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY.WRH$_ACTIVE_810902110_4421  TABLE PARTITION          9.0
                   WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY.WRH$_ACTIVE_810902110_4229  TABLE PARTITION          8.0
                   WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY.WRH$_ACTIVE_810902110_4517  TABLE PARTITION          8.0
                   WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY.WRH$_ACTIVE_810902110_4325  TABLE PARTITION          7.0
                   WRH$_SQLTEXT                                            TABLE                    4.0
                   WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY.WRH$_ACTIVE_810902110_4613  TABLE PARTITION          4.0
                   SYS_IL0000052203C00038$$                                LOBINDEX                 0.4
    SCOTT          DEPT                                                    TABLE                    0.1
                   EMP                                                     TABLE                    0.1
                   BONUS                                                   TABLE                    0.1
                   SALGRADE                                                TABLE                    0.1
    BPA            WRH$_FILESTATXS_BL                                      TABLE                    0.1
                   WRH$_TEMPSTATXS                                         TABLE                    0.1
                   WRH$_SYSTEM_EVENT_BL                                    TABLE                    0.1
                   WRH$_LATCH_NAME                                         TABLE                    0.1
                   WRH$_BUFFER_POOL_STATISTICS                             TABLE                    0.1

    Show Hot segments in DB

    /opt/scripts/smenu> seg -hot

    OWNER        OBJECT_NAME                  SUB                          OBJECT_TYPE        Statistics name                               Hits
    * * *
     ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------ ------------------------------ -------------------
    BPA          SYS_LOB0000052203C00038$$    -                            LOB                physical writes direct                      72,095
    BPA          SYS_LOB0000052203C00038$$    -                            LOB                physical writes                             72,496
    BPA          WRH$_ACTIVE_SESSION_HISTORY  WRH$_ACTIVE_810902110_4709   TABLE PARTITION    logical reads                          338,735,216
    SYS          SYS_LOB0000051836C00039$$    -                            LOB                physical reads direct                          378
    SYS          TYPE$                        -                            TABLE              physical reads                               1,949

    SQL: List Top sql sampled 3 seconds, sort by elapsed

    /opt/scripts/smenu> sq -top 3 -e

    MACHINE loadtest05      - ORACLE_SID : DEV
    Date              -  Wednesday 01st December  2010  17:02:05
    Username          -  BPA        Top 24 sql sampled 3 seconds, sort by elapsed
    Total number of SQL considered : 2533 --&gt; actives : 4
    .                                                                      Elapse App/w   IO/w   Conc/w
    Owner               Hash_value  C#   execs    Gets    reads   d.Writes  (ms)   (ms)   (ms)    (ms)   SQL text
    * * *
     ----------- ---  ------ -------- -------- -------- ------ ------ ------- ------ --------------------------------------------------
    REPL_CA_PERF        4223820267   2       10     4921        0        0     57      0       0      0 select b.TB_id,b.status,b.releasestatus, b.sender,
    REPL_CA_USER        284895985    3       70      126        0        0     12      0       0      0 SELECT TBQ.TB_ID,TBQ.LASTUPDATE,TB.INITIATOR,TB.ST
    SYS                 2830877044   1        1        3        0        0      0      0       0      0 select job, nvl2(last_date, 1, 0) from sys.job$ wh
    SYS                 2848646510   1        1        3        0        0      0      0       0      0 select count(*) from sys.job$ where (next_date &gt; s

    SQL: List Sql sorted by gets

    /opt/scripts/smenu> sq -e

                      invali-    parse     Disk    Buff Gets Rows per   cpu    elapse   Last time                 Parsing
        Execs loads   dations    calls     reads   Per Exec    Exec    Time(s) Time(s)    Loaded   HASH_VALUE  c# Schema name
    * * *
     ------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ------- ------- ----------- ---------- --- ----------------------
         1568      1         0       599      1222    106644        23    1649    2969 29/23:22:20 1039090739   0 REPL_CA_PERF
       363898     12        12    363898      2091        53         0    1071    1047 29/22:49:35 3365955911   0 REPL_CA_PERF
       289749      5         3    289749       604        53         0     880     866 30/22:16:18 3365955911   2 REPL_CA_PERF
          602      1         0        37        78    106671        23     546     563 01/10:00:32 1039090739   1 REPL_CA_PERF
            2      1         0         2   3619678   2422304         0     286     557 29/22:00:03   84828483   0 SYS
         2164      1         0       591      9915      2463        15     275     353 29/23:21:59  702466998   0 REPL_CA_PERF
          115      5         4        57  17045651    151013         0     325     345 30/00:37:50  976547715   1 REPL_CA_USER
            2      1         0         2    224429    214147         0      16     335 29/22:00:02 2932656157   0 SYS
           58      1         0        58    187057      3957        27      11     323 29/22:00:07 3471794499   0 SYS
           86      6         2        49  12730639    150995         0     247     293 30/23:48:52  976547715   2 REPL_CA_USER
        87356     11         7     87356      1592        53         0     264     258 29/17:16:35 3365955911   1 REPL_CA_PERF

    List Session statistics overview sorted by Disk reads

    /opt/scripts/smenu>sl -l r

    (Other possible sort are    p : hard parse     c : sort by CPU       r : physical read     b : block change   g : gets     cc : consistent change)
                                                         User           Hard    Blocks    Consistent Consistent   Physical
      Sid       username         ospid    Com HASH_VALUE Type   Cpu     Parse   Changes    Changes      Gets       Reads    %Hit  waits(s)
    * * *
     -------------------- ---------- --- ---------- ---- -------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ---- ---------
      141 SYS                  16582      0            0 USER     0.00     649     355234      91832  1017743865       8219 99.9     125.8
      164 -(SMON)              15938      0            0 BACK     0.00      48      10599          4       18771       3736 86.3       0.4
      158 SYS                  16361      47  3732391352 USER     2.00     357      15640         41       97129        560 99.4       2.0
      161 -(MMON)              15944      0   3393152264 BACK     0.00      95         81          0        5529        365 93.7       0.9
      144 SYS                  16580      0            0 USER     0.00     103       6195         10       26135        178 99.4       0.2
      162 -(CJQ0)              15942      0            0 BACK     0.00      28          0          0        9052         28 99.6       0.2
      165 -(CKPT)              15936      0            0 BACK     0.00       7          0          0         151          6 96.0       0.2
      163 -(RECO)              15940      0            0 BACK     0.00       3          0          0         149          2 98.6       0.0
      150 -(q000)              15967      0   3393152264 BACK     0.00       4          0          0         158          2 98.7       0.0
      156 -(ARC0)              15956      0            0 BACK     0.00       0          0          0           0          0 None       0.1
      155 -(ARC1)              15958      0            0 BACK     0.00       0          0          0           0          0 None       0.1
      154 -(QMNC)              15960      0            0 BACK     0.00       0          0          0           6          0 100        9.9
      149 -(q001)              15972      0   3393152264 BACK     0.00       0          0          0           8          0 100

    List SQL with variant execution time

    /opt/scripts/smenu> sq -pl

    MACHINE loadtest05      - ORACLE_SID : DEV
    Date              -  Wednesday 01st December  2010  16:50:10
    Username          -  BPA       Sql stats per execution
    Use 'sx' and 'aw' to further research
                               Min execution Max execution
    SQL_ID               EXECS     Time          Time        NORM_STDDEV
    * * *
     ------------ ------------- ------------- -------------
    abrgm89497xy2           29           .03           .16        2.6453
    5rbaurby4gn7h        1,894           .06           .35        3.4219
    505cbu3296guw        7,546           .04           .28        4.1210
    b4rcpvh8fxrgr            3           .20          1.68        5.1215
    gd9z2yucjwtut        7,463           .01           .12        5.1600
    3ubc6y3m6gdbn            4           .22          3.09        9.0420
    c4p3dr8gv2n1q          537           .01           .19       13.9747
    bq8n3wu5n435c            4           .02           .38       15.7384
    0dwr2vd6vbqzs           42           .06          1.78       19.5416
    56k61wftczbbk            7           .01           .30       37.3061
    ddvwyh82v6jj9          152           .00           .12       38.7720
    gtcqm547tz937            3           .08          4.56       40.6791
    a2thpq2wh41nw          175           .00           .14       48.1570
    a4apv2vk5vxmp          780           .00        339.05   90,720.6052
    b60kdnvjvfp2f          815           .00        345.61   93,674.2458

    List overview of Plan hash values stats performances for a given SQL_ID

    /opt/scripts/smenu/tmp> sq -ph 5rbaurby4gn7h

                       Begin interval                    Plan hash                  Total exec          Avg                 Disk     Wait
        Snap  Inst          time          SQL_ID             Value   Cost    Execs   Time(s)       Time(ms)   Avg Gets     Reads time(ms)
    * * *
     ----- ---------------------- ------------- ---------- ------ -------- ------------ ----------- ---------- --------- --------
       30157     1 2010-12-01 10:27:19    5rbaurby4gn7h 2681598973     32       51           .4         8.2       1355         0      164
       30132     1 2010-11-30 23:19:49    5rbaurby4gn7h                32      252         11.7        46.6       1599         3     9901
       30125     1 2010-11-30 18:16:20    5rbaurby4gn7h                32       48           .3         5.2       1357         0        0
       30117     1 2010-11-30 15:57:20    5rbaurby4gn7h                32       58           .3         5.3       1405         0        0
       30111     1 2010-11-30 14:12:01    5rbaurby4gn7h                32       23           .1         4.9       1393         0        0
       30107     1 2010-11-30 12:09:14    5rbaurby4gn7h                32       48           .4         7.9       1357         0      139
       30092     1 2010-11-29 23:23:01    5rbaurby4gn7h                32      252         16.0        63.6       1599         5    14057
       30082     1 2010-11-29 14:00:10    5rbaurby4gn7h                32       51         11.5       225.6       1366        17    11014
       30066     1 2010-11-28 23:14:09    5rbaurby4gn7h                32      252         12.9        51.3       1599         4    11073
       30040     1 2010-11-27 23:14:08    5rbaurby4gn7h                32      252         13.9        55.3       1599         4    11983
       29992     1 2010-11-26 23:26:26    5rbaurby4gn7h                32      252         14.1        56.1       1599         6    12253
       29977     1 2010-11-26 09:00:00    5rbaurby4gn7h                32      252         20.1        79.9       1599         7    18108
       29955     1 2010-11-25 15:00:15    5rbaurby4gn7h                32       51          9.3       183.3       1356         3      482
       29945     1 2010-11-25 05:02:20    5rbaurby4gn7h 2389699352     64       51         18.1       354.7        738         9     4623
       29929     1 2010-11-24 14:00:15    5rbaurby4gn7h                64        1           .2       246.9        745        34      121

    AWR: List events profile over a period of time

    /opt/scripts/smenu/tmp> aw -ev -b 5082 -e 5200 -name "log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)"

     Snap   In
     id    st  Wait class     EVENT_NAME                                                Tot waits TOTAL_TIMEOUTS   Time Wait(s)
    * * *
     --- -------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ---------- -------------- --------------
    5137   1 Configuration  log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)                          24              7          13.78
           2                log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)                           0              0           0.00
    5136   1 Configuration  log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)                           0              0           0.00
           2                log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)                           0              0           0.00
    5135   1 Configuration  log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)                           9              2           2.94
           2                log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)                           0              0           0.00
    5134   1 Configuration  log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)                          25              7          10.78
           2                log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)                           0              0           0.00
    5133   1 Configuration  log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)                          47             12          16.86
           2                log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)                           0              0           0.00
    5132   1 Configuration  log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)                          53             17          24.24
           2                log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)                           4              0           0.12
    5131   1 Configuration  log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)                          32              3          10.66
           2                log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)                         112             18          35.99
    5130   1 Configuration  log file switch (checkpoint incomplete)                           1              0           0.06

    AWR: List Session activity, locking and events for a past period

    /opt/scripts/smenu> aw -slk -b 5084

    MACHINE loadtest05      - ORACLE_SID : DEV102A                                                                                               Page:   1
    Date              -  Thursday  09th December  2010  12:27:59
    Username          -  SYS            Processing only first 20000 rows of snap range, use -rn &lt;nn&gt; to increase input sample
    Prev wait : any value &gt; 0 means SQL currently running on CPU, numeric refer to wait(secs) before this run
    In                                  Usr                 wait
    st  Time     Sid             Serl#   id SQL_ID         time(s)  Event                       Fl#    obj#   block# Session sql text
    --- -------- -------------- ------ ---- ------------- --------- -------------------------- ---- ------- -------- -----------------------------------
      1 14:00:25   771           61945   48                -wait-   log file sync                51   78011    31405
                     818             1    0                -wait-   log file parallel write       0      -1        0
        14:00:55   1577          63589   48 3tuvfaqr1raza  -wait-   gc current block busy        53   78192    16457
                     760         63079   48 3tuvfaqr1raza  -wait-   gc buffer busy               53   78192    16457
                   746            5627   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   gc current block busy         5   78021    28832 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                     1589         1308   48 0g7y44z6btjh0  -wait-   gc buffer busy                5   78021    28832 update usermessagepkiuser set useri
                   1577          63589   48 5b1tx3jug7ksc  -wait-   enq: TM - contention         47   77945    68267 INSERT into TB(TB_ID,INITIATOR,STAT
                     1621        34237   48 97tg3rp58f0xm  -wait-   enq: TM - contention         47   77936      650 Delete from DOWNLOADERPROFILE where
                       778        6583   48 c29pbjn2wgrj8      0.01                              49   78252   214506 select ba.ARCHaccount_id, ba.update
                   1584          20330   48 186pn4b8x25r7  -wait-   enq: TM - contention          1     559    72929 INSERT INTO TB(TB_ID,STATUS,USERFIL
                     1621        34237   48 97tg3rp58f0xm  -wait-   enq: TM - contention         47   77936      650 Delete from DOWNLOADERPROFILE where
                       778        6583   48 c29pbjn2wgrj8      0.01                              49   78252   214506 select ba.ARCHaccount_id, ba.update

    AWR: Past session events using AWR data imported from another DB

    /opt/scripts/smenu/scripts]> aw -dbid 810902110 -b 5084 -sa 778

    We imported into this our TEST DB, the AWR of production DB, whose DBID is 81092100.
    We can mine the AWR by adding '-dbid 810902110'. Since on this TEST db we mine all the time production DATA
    we even put this "alias aw1='aw -dbid 810902110 '" so that to avoid type all the type the -dbid nn
    Let's see session 778 activity, that was causing an lock (see "List Session activity, locking" just above )
                                                  Prev                                                                                   Block
    Sample                       Usr Inst          wait                                                                            Block   sess
    time     Username             id Num   Serl#  time(s) SQL_ID        Wait class   Event                        XID              sess   serl#
    * * *
     ------------------ ---- ---- ------ -------- ------------- ------------ ---------------------------- ---------------- ----- ------
    15:09:26 REPL_CA_USER         48    1   6583     0.01 a2nq0h7t8y295                                           0006002400009C27
    15:09:37                            1            0.01 bcvswhfj5mt3x                                           0006002400009C27
    15:09:47                            1            0.01 b95mvskrb84kt                                           0006002400009C27
    15:10:07                            1            0.01 bcvswhfj5mt3x                                           0006002400009C27
    15:10:37                            1            0.01 c29pbjn2wgrj8                                           0006002400009C27
    15:10:48                            1            0.01 b95mvskrb84kt                                           0006002400009C27
    15:10:58                            1            0.01 c29pbjn2wgrj8                                           0006002400009C27
    15:11:08                            1            0.02 b95mvskrb84kt                                           0006002400009C27
    15:11:16                            2  10964     0.02 86gzgqd2w3sds
    15:11:18                            1   6583    11.92 a2nq0h7t8y295                                           0006002400009C27
    15:11:28                            1            0.01 bcvswhfj5mt3x                                           0006002400009C27
    15:11:48                            1            0.01 b95mvskrb84kt                                           0006002400009C27
    15:11:58                            1            0.01                                                         0006002400009C27
    15:12:08                            1           11.67 a2nq0h7t8y295                                           0006002400009C27
    15:12:18                            1            0.01                                                         0006002400009C27
    15:12:39                            1            0.01                                                         0006002400009C27
    15:12:49                            1           11.16                                                         0006002400009C27
    15:12:59                            1            1.26 ad6h0aausfn97                                           0006002400009C27
    15:13:09                            1            6.98 a1873zsqzgn99                                           0006002400009C27
    15:13:19                            1           24.48                                                         0006002400009C27
    15:13:29                            1            0.01 c29pbjn2wgrj8                                           0006002400009C27
    15:13:39                            1            6.81 a2nq0h7t8y295                                           0006002400009C27
    15:13:47                            2  10964     0.00 186pn4b8x25r7 Application  enq: TM - contention
    15:13:57                            2            0.00               Application  enq: TM - contention
    15:13:59                            1   6583     0.01 bcvswhfj5mt3x                                           0006002400009C27

    AWR: List plan from AWR for a given period

    /opt/scripts/smenu> aw -pl 2681598973 -b 29946

    MACHINE loadtest05      - ORACLE_SID : DEV               Page:   1
    Date              -  Wednesday 01st December  2010  16:55:42
    Username          -  BPA    Show plan for 2681598973
                           Type of
       SNAP_ID   ID PARENT Operations                                          COST CARDINALITY SEARCH_COLUMNS OBJECT_NODE      OBJECT_NAME
    * * *
     ---- ------ --------------------------------------------- ---------- ----------- -------------- ---------------- ----------------------
         30132    0        SELECT STATEMENT                                      32                          0
                  1      0  HASH UNIQUE                                          32           1              0
                  2      1   NESTED LOOPS                                        31           1              0
                  3      2    NESTED LOOPS                                       29           1              0
                  4      3     NESTED LOOPS                                      28           1              0
                  5      4      NESTED LOOPS                                     27           1              0
                  6      5       NESTED LOOPS                                    25           1              0
                  7      6        NESTED LOOPS                                   24           1              0
                  8      7         NESTED LOOPS                                  22           1              0
                  9      8          NESTED LOOPS                                 19           1              0
                 10      9           NESTED LOOPS                                16           1              0
                 11     10            NESTED LOOPS                               13           1              0

    create the AWR (text) report of the last period

    /opt/scripts/smenu>aw -r

    DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     RAC Host
    * * *
     ----------- ------------ -------- ----------- --- ------------
    DEV            383613666 DEV                 1  NO  loadtest05
                  Snap Id      Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess
                --------- ------------------- -------- ---------
    Begin Snap:     30165 01-Dec-10 15:00:29        81      40.7
      End Snap:     30166 01-Dec-10 16:00:30        85      39.4
       Elapsed:               60.03 (mins)
       DB Time:                3.63 (mins)

    create the AWR (text) report on a previous period

    /opt/scripts/smenu> aw -r -b 30150

    DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     RAC Host
    * * *
     ----------- ------------ -------- ----------- --- ------------
    DEV            383613666 DEV                 1  NO  loadtest05
                  Snap Id      Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess
                --------- ------------------- -------- ---------
    Begin Snap:     30150 01-Dec-10 09:54:51        83      41.9
      End Snap:     30151 01-Dec-10 10:00:24        83      41.9
       Elapsed:                5.54 (mins)
       DB Time:                0.39 (mins)
    Cache Sizes
    ~~~~~~~~~~~                       Begin        End
                                 ---------- ----------
                   Buffer Cache:       640M       640M  Std Block Size:         8K
               Shared Pool Size:       464M       464M      Log Buffer:    15,136K

    create the AWR (text) report on a previous range of period

    /opt/scripts/smenu> aw -r -b 30150 -e 30155

    DB Name         DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     RAC Host
    * * *
     ----------- ------------ -------- ----------- --- ------------
    DEV            383613666 DEV                 1  NO  loadtest05
                  Snap Id      Snap Time      Sessions Curs/Sess
                --------- ------------------- -------- ---------
    Begin Snap:     30150 01-Dec-10 09:54:51        83      41.9
      End Snap:     30155 01-Dec-10 10:26:05        82      41.9
       Elapsed:               31.23 (mins)
       DB Time:                2.45 (mins)
    Cache Sizes
    ~~~~~~~~~~~                       Begin        End
                                 ---------- ----------
                   Buffer Cache:       640M       640M  Std Block Size:         8K
               Shared Pool Size:       464M       464M      Log Buffer:    15,136K

    produce differential report between 2 (range) snap_id

    /opt/scripts/smenu> aw -dif -b 30150 -e 30150 -b 30160 -e 30161

    Snapshot Set    DB Id    Instance     Inst Num Release     Cluster Host
    * * *
     ----------- ------------ -------- ----------- ------- ------------                                                                              
    First (1st)    383613666 DEV                 1  NO      loadtest05                                                                                
    Second (2nd)   383613666 DEV                 1  NO      loadtest05
    Snapshot Set  Begin Snap Id Begin Snap Time     End Snap Id End Snap Time           Elapsed Time (min)            DB Time (min)           Avg Active Users
    * * *
     -------------- ------------------ ------------ ------------------ -------------------------- -------------------------- --------------------------
    1st                   30160 01-Dec-10 11:21:21        30161 01-Dec-10 11:21:36                       0.26                       0.10                       0.38
    2nd                   30161 01-Dec-10 11:21:36        30162 01-Dec-10 11:36:27                      14.84                      14.93                      58.02

    List buffer busy waits for last period

    /opt/scripts/smenu> aw -bbw

    SORT0         SORT1 DAY    OBJECT_TYPE        OWNER              OBJECT_NAME                    BUFFER_BUSY_WAITS
    * * *
     ---------- ------ ------------------ ------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------
    20101201          1 01-DEC TABLE              SYS                OPQTYPE$                                       0
    20101201          1        INDEX              SYS                I_COBJ#                                        0
    20101201          1        TABLE              SYS                PROPS$                                         0
    20101201          1        INDEX              SYS                I_SETTINGS1                                    0
    20101201          1                           SYS                I_LOB2                                         0
    20101201          1                           SYS                I_COLTYPE1                                     0
    20101201          1                           SYS                I_SUBCOLTYPE1                                  0
    20101201          1                           SYS                SYS_IOT_TOP_7492                               0

    Show sql performances through all snap_id

    /opt/scripts/smenu> aw -pf b6zmf2cx39vw3

                         Plan       Optim                       Row      Fetches    Elapsed       cpu           Disk    Cluster     App Concurr      write
    Snap Date         hash value     cost    Exec       Gets processed    delta    time(ms)    Time(ms)        reads     iowait  iowait  iowait       wait
    * * *
     ------------ ------- ------- ---------- ---------- --------- ----------- ----------- ---------- ---------- ------- ------- ----------
    2010-12-01 15:00   2167909657   33607       5     755047          0         5     18623.8     15940.6     742343   11487656       0       0          0
    2010-12-01 14:00   2167909657   33607       5     755067          0         5     33639.9     17040.4     742703   26653925       0       0          0
    2010-12-01 13:00   2167909657   33607       5     755063          0         5     30416.0     15021.7     742903   23408730       0       0          0
    2010-12-01 11:36   2167909657   33607       7    1056964          0         7     19644.6     19288.1    1039196   10639334       0       0          0
    2010-12-01 11:21   2167909657   33607       2     302010          0         2      5925.2      5558.2     296527    3394756       0       0          0
    2010-12-01 11:00   2167909657   33607       1     150988          0         1      3541.0      2754.6     148326    2242929       0       0          0
    2010-12-01 10:29   2167909657   33607       2     301976          0         2      6292.1      5663.1     296608    3665457       0       0          0
    2010-12-01 10:00   2167909657   33607       3     452978          0         3      9242.0      8379.7     444527    5331891       0       0          0
    2010-12-01 09:46   2167909657   33607       1     150988          0         1      3278.5      2846.6     148256    1933929       0       0          0

    Show AWR retentions parameters

    /opt/scripts/smenu]> aw -lret

    MACHINE loadtest05      - ORACLE_SID : DEV                      Page:   1
    Date              -  Wednesday 01st December  2010  16:20:58
    Username          -  BPA    Retention Period for AWR repository
    Snapshot Interval  Retention   Retention
        (minutes)     (in minutes) (in days)
    * * *
     ------------ ----------
                   60        10080          7

    Set Awr retention period

    /opt/scripts/smenu> aw -set 20160 30 -x

    Add -x to execute. This command wil then be executed:

    List bind captured into AWR for a given SQL_ID

    /opt/scripts/smenu]> aw -sb 8ak51tv4a0ua7

       snap_id Date capture     pos        Name       Value                          type
    * * *
     ---------------- ---- ---------------- ------------------------------ ---------------
         30166 2010-12-01 15:49  6     :6             90000004543809                 NUMBER
                                 5     :5                                            NUMBER
                                 4     :4                                            TIMESTAMP
                                 3     :3                                            NUMBER
                                 2     :2                                            NUMBER
                                 1     :1                                            NUMBER
         30165 2010-12-01 14:49  6     :6             90000004543809                 NUMBER
                                 5     :5                                            NUMBER
                                 4     :4                                            TIMESTAMP
                                 3     :3                                            NUMBER
                                 2     :2                                            NUMBER
                                 1     :1                                            NUMBER
         30164 2010-12-01 13:49  6     :6             90000004543809                 NUMBER
                                 5     :5                                            NUMBER
                                 4     :4                                            TIMESTAMP
                                 3     :3                                            NUMBER
                                 2     :2                                            NUMBER
                                 1     :1                                            NUMBER

    Show stats for a range of snap_id

    /opt/scripts/smenu]> aw -sl -b 30142 -e 30150

                  sql     Total execution   Total      Total       Total
    SQL_ID        Profile      Time (sec) Executions Disk reads Buffer gets  IO Wait   SQL_TEXT_FRAGMENT
    * * *
     ------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------
    8ak51tv4a0ua7                   85.67      29673         29     1580679    .001224 UPDATE TB SET STATUS=:1 , CONTROLSTATUS=:2 , RELEASESTA
    b6zmf2cx39vw3                   29.26         10    1478278     1509880  16.220974 select TB.TB_id, TB.sender, TB.ARCHcustomer_id, TB.upda
    98pbuc8pydm23                   19.87      29708          1      273699     .02343  begin if(true or :1 is null or :2 is null or :3 is nul
    8a59xhf4wrpyn                   19.74      29674         27      683413      .0009 INSERT INTO TB2ARCHIVE (TB_ID, LASTUPDATE, CLASS_ID) VA
    fcc148zc418z8                   17.56          7        459       35895   8.152136 begin DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.create_snapshot(); end;
    b27aa442at1xz                   13.62      29682          3     1569977    .036708 SELECT sd.domainname,st.token,st.useridentity_id,sd.epa
    ad2ksh7u0btxw                   13.52      29706          1      273681     .02343 UPDATE REPL_CA_OWNER.TB_LT SET ISURGENT = :B73,UPLOADTO
    2vgd86jzmcak3                   12.52      29682          2      237916    .000073 DELETE FROM TB2SEND WHERE TB_ID = :B1
    350myuyx0t1d6                   11.32          9          0        3558   8.543694 insert into wrh$_tablespace_stat    (snap_id, dbid, ins
    4g50ymc8gqarj                   10.95      67783          0       75984    .048236 SELECT TBQ.TB_ID,TBQ.LASTUPDATE,TB.INITIATOR,TB.STATUS,
    fnmrqzvxw4sgb                    8.97       1910          3      940155    .282189 select b.TB_id,b.status,b.releasestatus, b.sender,
    59ntbm3nbzc6v                    8.21      29673         27      653318      .0009 SELECT NEXTVER, LTLOCK, DELSTATUS, VERSION, ROWID FROM

    Show stats for an old snap_id

    /opt/scripts/smenu]> aw -sl -b 30142

                  sql     Total execution   Total      Total       Total
    SQL_ID        Profile      Time (sec) Executions Disk reads Buffer gets  IO Wait   SQL_TEXT_FRAGMENT
    * * *
     ------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------
    8ak51tv4a0ua7                   63.32      22114          0     1177989    .000192 UPDATE TB SET STATUS=:1 , CONTROLSTATUS=:2 , RELEASESTA
    b6zmf2cx39vw3                   22.77          8    1181860     1207904  12.420478 select TB.TB_id, TB.sender, TB.ARCHcustomer_id, TB.upda
    98pbuc8pydm23                   14.70      22115          0      203803          0  begin if(true or :1 is null or :2 is null or :3 is nul
    8a59xhf4wrpyn                   14.62      22115          0      509328          0 INSERT INTO TB2ARCHIVE (TB_ID, LASTUPDATE, CLASS_ID) VA
    b27aa442at1xz                   10.08      22115          0     1169661          0 SELECT sd.domainname,st.token,st.useridentity_id,sd.epa
    ad2ksh7u0btxw                    9.98      22114          0      203794          0 UPDATE REPL_CA_OWNER.TB_LT SET ISURGENT = :B73,UPLOADTO
    2vgd86jzmcak3                    9.22      22114          0      177275          0 DELETE FROM TB2SEND WHERE TB_ID = :B1
    4g50ymc8gqarj                    8.08      50576          0       50579    .029586 SELECT TBQ.TB_ID,TBQ.LASTUPDATE,TB.INITIATOR,TB.STATUS,

    Overview of each snapid statistics

    /opt/scripts/smenu>aw -lst

                                    Snap              DB       SQL     PL/SQL   Parse  Parse  Background
    SNAP_ID BEGIN_SNAP             len(s) DB Time   On cpu  exec time exec time  Time   Time     Time
    * * *
     ---------------------- ------ -------- -------- --------- --------- ------ ------ ----------
          2  01 Dec 2010 14:00:23    3510     58.8     58.8      57.4         0      0      0          0
          1  01 Dec 2010 13:26:18    2045

    List DBID present into the repository

    /opt/scripts/smenu/tmp]> aw -ldb

    MACHINE loadtest05      - ORACLE_SID : DEV102A      Page:   1
    Date              -  Wednesday 01st December  2010  16:05:17
    Username          -  SYS     List dbid present in the repository
          DBID      COUNT
    * * *
    2981407198          3

    List snap_id in AWR

    /opt/scripts/smenu]> aw -l

    Snapshots for DEV102A  instance : 1
    ###### ==============================
    * * *
     ---------- ---------- --------------------- ---------------------
    2981407198          3          1  01 Dec 2010 14:58:52  01 Dec 2010 16:00:26
    2981407198          2          1  01 Dec 2010 14:00:23  01 Dec 2010 14:58:52
    2981407198          1          1  01 Dec 2010 13:26:18  01 Dec 2010 14:00:23

    Show waits for last snap_id

    /opt/scripts/smenu]> aw -sll -wait

                  Total execution    total          IO        cluster    Application  Concurrency
    SQL_ID             Time (sec)     Wait         Wait         Wait         Wait         Wait     SQL_TEXT_FRAGMENT
    * * *
     --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -------------------------------------------------------
    b6zmf2cx39vw3           18.62        11.49        11.49         0.00         0.00         0.00 select TB.TB_id, TB.sender, TB.ARCHcustomer_id, TB.upda
    350myuyx0t1d6            2.34         2.03         2.03         0.00         0.00         0.00 insert into wrh$_tablespace_stat    (snap_id, dbid, ins
    7mtcjxvu79pz6            1.12         0.40         0.40         0.00         0.00         0.00 SELECT ebu.ebuser_id ebuserId FROM ebuser ebu WHERE ebu
    azqfknz85afth            0.64         0.31         0.31         0.00         0.00         0.00 UPDATE ARCHaccount set ARCHservice_id = :1 , countryiso
    48a932sgdj441            0.32         0.27         0.27         0.00         0.00         0.00 SELECT anr.ARCHaccount_id,anr.formattedaccountnumber FR
    fktgk087pf692            1.26         0.25         0.25         0.00         0.00         0.00 SELECT 'SCHEMA' type, username owner, username object_n
    fnmrqzvxw4sgb            4.68         0.14         0.00         0.00         0.00         0.14 select b.TB_id,b.status,b.releasestatus, b.sender,
    451q2032pshqm            0.15         0.14         0.14         0.00         0.00         0.00 select owner#,name,namespace,remoteowner,linkname,p_tim
    8swypbbr0m372            0.12         0.12         0.12         0.00         0.00         0.00 select order#,columns,types from access$ where d_obj#=:

    Show stats for an old snap_id

    opt/scripts/smenu> aw -sl -b 30151

                  sql     Total execution   Total      Total       Total
    SQL_ID        Profile      Time (sec) Executions Disk reads Buffer gets  IO Wait   SQL_TEXT_FRAGMENT
    * * *
     ------- --------------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- -------------------------------------------------------
    8ak51tv4a0ua7                    4.66       1562          0       83219          0 UPDATE TB SET STATUS=:1 , CONTROLSTATUS=:2 , RELEASESTA
    12v4bu5t9rcdv                    3.91          1          9      366990    .000073 select output from table(dbms_workload_repository.awr_r
    fcc148zc418z8                    3.74          2         97        9133     1.1902 begin DBMS_WORKLOAD_REPOSITORY.create_snapshot(); end;
    bunssq950snhf                    1.23          2          0          20          0 insert into wrh$_sga_target_advice   (snap_id, dbid, in
    8a59xhf4wrpyn                    1.07       1562          0       35994          0 INSERT INTO TB2ARCHIVE (TB_ID, LASTUPDATE, CLASS_ID) VA
    98pbuc8pydm23                    1.06       1562          0       14374          0  begin if(true or :1 is null or :2 is null or :3 is nul
    cps43g0yyyj1m                    0.89          2         27      108602    .023507 SELECT cp.counterparty_id, cp.updatecount, cp.alias, cp
    9xn1c3wcm1rwr                    0.88          1         35       22833    .148314 INSERT INTO sharedcounterparty ( sharedcounterparty_id,
    b27aa442at1xz                    0.73       1562          0       82622          0 SELECT sd.domainname,st.token,st.useridentity_id,sd.epa
    ad2ksh7u0btxw                    0.72       1562          0       14374          0 UPDATE REPL_CA_OWNER.TB_LT SET ISURGENT = :B73,UPLOADTO
    2vgd86jzmcak3                    0.69       1562          0       12528          0 DELETE FROM TB2SEND WHERE TB_ID = :B1


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