
Problem displaying charset

  • poupion

    poupion - 2005-06-29

    Smbwebclient is a great work, big thanks to Victor M. Varela.
    But I have a problem when smbwebclient display directories or files that have specific french characters.
    I need to access to files that are on a windows server. smbwebclient run on debian (sarge), and smbclient correctly display files and directories (with 'unix charset = ISO8859-1' and 'dos charset = 850' in [global] in file smb.conf).
    When I use smbwebclient, a file or a directory with french characters (like code 232, 233, 234 etc. in charset ISO-8859-1) don't display or the name of this file or directory is merged with the one that should be below.

    Is someone has a idea ?

    • poupion

      poupion - 2005-06-30

      I've just found what is missing...
      Add "display charset = ISO8859-1" in [global] in smb.conf

      So now there is in my smb.conf :

        unix charset = ISO8859-1
        dos charset = 850
        display charset = ISO8859-1

      Thanks to Victor for smbwebclient, nice work.


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