

Simon Booth

SmartCopy is a utility I really never expected to have to write myself. It’s function is to manipulate files in a large, deep directory structure selectively and (hopefully) intelligently. Operating systems’ native interfaces all seem to do a poor job of this, and the alternative tools I’ve tried all seem flawed one way or another. I hope SmartCopy provides an improvement on existing utilities – it certainly fills my needs better than anything I’ve tried.

Installation instructions:

None. SmartCopy runs as a stand-alone utility with no installation required (ideal for carrying around on a portable drive).

When it is run it will look for a settings file in the same directory as the executable, and when it closes it will try to save one so that settings persist the next time you run it. There are no particularly dire consequences if the file cannot be created though, so it should work fine from a DVD-R or other read-only media.


2019-02-07: Added "Allow Read-Only File Deletion" option. When deleting files, this will allow read-only files to be deleted. When copying or moving files, it will allow read-only files in the target directory to be overwritten. It is not enabled by default.

2019-01-06: Added "Flatten Selected Files" operation, which copies all selected files into a target directory without preserving directory structure - i.e. all files will be copied to the same destination folder. If multiple files have the same name a warning will be shown, giving an opportunity to cancel the operation.

2012-01-29: Changed SVN checkin/checkout to use /trunk so that files show up under the code tab. Blew away the revision history in the process - whoops! Haven't decided where a sensible place is for a changelog yet - seems like no point in adding revision comments and then duplicating them somewhere else?

Project Admins:


  • Simon Booth

    Simon Booth - 2014-01-23

    2014-01-23 Added ability to filter files list by date range. Made selection restore case insensitive (helps with files moved between different file systems). Changed wording of some menu options.

  • Simon Booth

    Simon Booth - 2014-09-11

    Uploaded a new version:
    - Added 'ignore extension' operation
    - Fixed crash when selecting a folder that has been deleted outside the app
    - Updated readme.txt

  • Simon Booth

    Simon Booth - 2016-08-27

    Uploaded a new version,
    - Selection is automatically saved and restored when using "Rescan"
    - Remove selection from text file option (opposite of restore from text file)

  • Simon Booth

    Simon Booth - 2016-08-27

    Second new version
    . Support for moving files and folders within the same directory structure (moving a folder into its own tree is not guaranteed to produce exactly the expected results)
    . Option to autoselect all files in a folder if the folder is selected, when restoring/rescanning. Useful if you've renamed a bunch of things, exceptionally UNhelpful if you actually just wanted a subset of files in the folder. Use with care.


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