
SmallSockets / News: Recent posts

0.6.0 posted

0.6.0 posted

Posted by Steven Frank 2001-10-22

0.5.1 posted

More bug fixes

Posted by Steven Frank 2001-09-27

0.5.0 posted

Bug fixes & new BufferedSocket class

Posted by Steven Frank 2001-07-30

0.4.0 posted

Better support for server authors

Posted by Steven Frank 2001-05-09

0.3.0 posted

Please continue to send in patches and ideas!

Posted by Steven Frank 2001-05-07

0.2.1 posted

I just posted SmallSockets 0.2.1. This is the first version to actually be released through SourceForge. Please use SourceForge from now on to log bug reports, sugggestions, etc. Refer to the project home page for CVS information. Thanks!

Posted by Steven Frank 2001-05-04