
#207 New Contec CMS



just in time for the recent SH release, Contec changed the Firmware/PC software and worse the storage format (from SPO/SPOR to SPO2) and EOLed SPO Review and SPO Manager for a new software called SPO Assistant. SPO Assistant now uses only a different proprietary SPO2 storage format, no longer SPO/SPOR. No export/converter exists to move data from SPO2 to SPO/SPOR. Accordingly the data is not importable into Sleepyhead

The currently commercially available model of CMS-50F on the market now comes with Fw 3.7
So this is a problem for anyone buying one going forward. For existing used devices with Fw < 3.7 current workflow works.

workflows broken by change of Contec FW change.
1. PC workflow involving using SPO Review to upload the data THEN import into Sleepyhead is no longer working.
2. Direct Import in Sleepyhead also not working anymore, old import and new wizard alike.

to replicate
1. PC worksflow
- use newer CMS50F with Firmware = 3.7 (current) or newer
- open SPO Review on Winbox
- device will be recognized (message = connection established - waiting for data)
- device no longer has UPLOAD and USB functions in device Menu so it is impossible to authorize the upload with UPLOAD in device menu. SP Assistant no longer needs on-device authorization to pull the data.

here is the new workflow

  1. direct SH workflow
  2. use newer CMS50F with Firmware = 3.7 (current) or newer
  3. open SH
  4. use new wizard
  5. wizard will recognize the device and show CMS50 connection in log box dialog and announce it is waiting for upload to be authorized on device
  6. same as above. device no longer has UPLOAD and USB functions in device Menu so it is impossible to authorize the upload with UPLOAD in device menu
  7. wizard will fail with popup error mentioning you should use UPLOAD on device (which can no longer be done)

can PM you an SPO2 file if helpful.


Bugs: #207


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  • Anne

    Anne - 2014-06-28

    I can confirm I have the same issue. Just purchased a CMS50F with firmware 3.7. The file format is now *.spO2, and the device will not connect in sleepyhead.

  • Anne

    Anne - 2014-06-28

    I was looking at open dialogue box in the SPO2 assistant software, a going through the windows file explorer I could not see the files I had imported. I changed the file type to . - it looks like for each session there are three files. A .txt, .spo2 and a *.csv file. Would the CSV file be useful for the import process? Can provide samples if needed.

  • Anne

    Anne - 2014-06-28

    It is a little strange. I can go into the SPO2 assistant software, and in the file open dialogue box I can see the SPO2 data files, open them, save them in another location, but I cannot see them in windows explorer. I try a ctrl-C copy in the open dialogue box to paste in windows explorer, but the system cannot see the files that way, so I cannot work out a way to inspect the contents of the txt and csv files I can see in the sp02 assistant open file dialogue box when I change file type to .

  • Anne

    Anne - 2014-06-28

    Here is the dialogue box showing attached file, the path, and the same path in windows Explorer.


    Last edit: Anne 2014-06-28
  • Anne

    Anne - 2014-06-28

    This is the dialogue box I get when I try to right-click "edit" the CSV file directly from the SPO2 open dialogue box in an attempt to open in MS excel.

  • Anne

    Anne - 2014-06-28

    Looks like my last post went missing. I have located the files in the user profile directory (using Procmon to see where SPO2 Assistant wrote files).

    In windows 7 it is:

    C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\SpO2 Assistant V2.6.0\Data

    The CSV file has four columns, with an entry for each second.


    The text file has the following fields:

    weight=0.00 kg
    height=0.00 cm
    startTime=2014-06-29 00:34:21

    I will attempt to post attachments of the three files in the following posts (think that might be wh my previous post when missing).

  • Anne

    Anne - 2014-06-28

    Sample comma separated file generated by cms50F firmware 3.7

  • Anne

    Anne - 2014-06-28

    Sample text file generated by cms50F firmware 3.7

  • Anne

    Anne - 2014-06-28

    Sample SPO2 file generated by cms50F firmware 3.7

  • urbanscribe

    urbanscribe - 2014-06-29

    mark- do you have plans to try to expand the importer to allow for these files? not sure if you saw my post on the apnea board, we can send you a cms50F fw 3.7 on loan for testing/dev. let me know if that would help/of interest.

    • Mark Watkins

      Mark Watkins - 2014-10-21

      Did you try with 0.9.8 testing series?

      These files should already be importing correctly, but make sure to select the right oximeter in the dropdown. (Because I can't remember if I already wrote some autoscanning magic yet for the file importer.)

      • urbanscribe

        urbanscribe - 2014-10-21

        hey mark
        my fault for not understand the beta release protocol.
        i was just using the CHECK FOR UPDATE but never bothered to check the betas
        installed and worked perfectly. very well done.

        indeed selecting the right oximeter is important otherwise the wizard is stuck on waiting for upload.

        have you looked into HEALTHKIT on iOS8? it would be wonderful to design an app which can bring some of the analytics/insights onto the mobile.
        finally have you considered pushing the data to the user’s personal cloud
        maybe not the full data (but summary data) which could be pulled into an app for daily tracking
        i know you have no time for this but fyi we design and produce many ios/android apps, happy to look into entirely pro bono if that helps.
        this is what we do

        i think i’ve told you think but thanks again for the great, well organized, thoughtful work.

        On Oct 20, 2014, at 8:36 PM, Mark Watkins wrote:

        Did you try with 0.9.8 testing series?

        These files should already be importing correctly, but make sure to select the right oximeter in the dropdown. (Because I can't remember if I already wrote some autoscanning magic yet for the file importer.)

        [bugs:#207] New Contec CMS

        Status: open
        Group: v0.9_beta
        Created: Sun Jun 22, 2014 08:28 PM UTC by urbanscribe
        Last Updated: Mon Oct 20, 2014 08:22 PM UTC
        Owner: Mark Watkins


        just in time for the recent SH release, Contec changed the Firmware/PC software and worse the storage format (from SPO/SPOR to SPO2) and EOLed SPO Review and SPO Manager for a new software called SPO Assistant. SPO Assistant now uses only a different proprietary SPO2 storage format, no longer SPO/SPOR. No export/converter exists to move data from SPO2 to SPO/SPOR. Accordingly the data is not importable into Sleepyhead

        The currently commercially available model of CMS-50F on the market now comes with Fw 3.7
        So this is a problem for anyone buying one going forward. For existing used devices with Fw < 3.7 current workflow works.

        workflows broken by change of Contec FW change.
        1. PC workflow involving using SPO Review to upload the data THEN import into Sleepyhead is no longer working.
        2. Direct Import in Sleepyhead also not working anymore, old import and new wizard alike.

        to replicate
        1. PC worksflow
        - use newer CMS50F with Firmware = 3.7 (current) or newer
        - open SPO Review on Winbox
        - device will be recognized (message = connection established - waiting for data)
        - device no longer has UPLOAD and USB functions in device Menu so it is impossible to authorize the upload with UPLOAD in device menu. SP Assistant no longer needs on-device authorization to pull the data.

        here is the new workflow
        direct SH workflow
        use newer CMS50F with Firmware = 3.7 (current) or newer
        open SH
        use new wizard
        wizard will recognize the device and show CMS50 connection in log box dialog and announce it is waiting for upload to be authorized on device
        same as above. device no longer has UPLOAD and USB functions in device Menu so it is impossible to authorize the upload with UPLOAD in device menu
        wizard will fail with popup error mentioning you should use UPLOAD on device (which can no longer be done)
        can PM you an SPO2 file if helpful.

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        Bugs: #207

  • Mark Watkins

    Mark Watkins - 2014-06-30

    Looking at the .SpO2 file format (Anne, thank you for the sample), I'm not sure why they don't work already.. the structure is essentially the same..

    There is no date inside the file.. I'll add a bypass if that's what's blocking it.

  • Mark Watkins

    Mark Watkins - 2014-06-30

    Wait, there is also a second header section...

    I need more data samples...

  • Anne

    Anne - 2014-06-30

    Ok Here is last night's files coming through.

  • Anne

    Anne - 2014-06-30

    Here are the related .csv and .txt (txt is prettty useless as I haven't put anything in the program.)

  • Mark Watkins

    Mark Watkins - 2014-06-30

    I've gotten to the bottom of the .spo2 file structure.

    The basic file format for anyone who's interested is as follows..
    (This ignores any user specified record fields, just the bits needed to read into sleepyhead)

    First two bytes contain starting position of the second header.
    Second header starts with 200 (decimal) bytes of cruft
    Followed by a list of 32bit integers containing
    year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
    followed by 32bit integer containing number of samples,
    followed by a list of 8bit pairs containing SpO2 and pulse rate till the end of file.

    I've modified the CMS50 file importer so it can work with these files, the next test build will have this code in it for you to try... But I've got to tinker a bit more first to resolve a CPAP importer crash..

  • Anne

    Anne - 2014-06-30

    Great News, can't wait to try it.

  • urbanscribe

    urbanscribe - 2014-07-01

    thanks mark. def. can't wait to try it out when you include it in the build. thanks again.

  • urbanscribe

    urbanscribe - 2014-08-02

    hey mark. do you have a rough ETA when you think the mac port including this fw>3.7 fix may be released? thanks in advance.

  • Mark Watkins

    Mark Watkins - 2014-08-02

    Sorry.. I don't do ETA's.. When it's ready? Soon? It depends? ;-)

    The next version planned will be a very special release, so an awful lot of extra work is going on by myself and the SleepyHead Beta team into making sure things are fit for public consumption.

    The CMS50F v3.7+ .spo2 file importer is already done and is currently in the hands of the Beta team. I've recently added support for CMS50i .spo2 files too. It's all in the source code for anyone who wants to play with it before then.

    As for direct import from serial port access, I'll be clear: I DO NOT have access to the newer devices needed to make this happen yet, and I can not pull hardware support for new devices I have not seen any data for out of thin air.

    To make this work I need someone (any volunteers? preferably someone with a bit of hacking skills) to provide me with (serial port, not USB) interception logs from a Serial Port Monitor program, (like Eltima makes for instance, there is a free trail that should be long enough for someone who knows what they are doing to extract what's needed.) while the Spo2Review software is running under Microsoft Windows.

    Until I get access to some interception data, this is simply not going to happen.


    Last edit: Mark Watkins 2014-08-02
  • DLy

    DLy - 2014-08-03

    Hey Mark, I have the new CMS-50F (v3.7fw.) When trying to use SPo2 Review, the device will connect but hang on "waiting for data." However, SPo2 Assistant works wonderfully. I'm including monitoring of both programs. I hope this helps. Let me know if you need anything else!

  • urbanscribe

    urbanscribe - 2014-08-03


    thanks for the note

    1) i offered a long while back to ship you to aussie or where you are the 50F if you want it for testing. again happy to do it if that helps and you send it back when done.
    2) confused about your serial/usb comment. are you saying that the usb importer is done but you need more info in order to get a serial import done?
    3) not a windows user anymore so have NO IDEA how to capture the log files you need. if you can point to some resource/explanation happy to try, please let me know if you require xp, 8 box or whatever.
    4) as i said, i am a mac user, does your note mean that the work required to make it work in mac is done?
    5) can we define what "works" mean. are you saying that you have the ability to import the SPO2 file (if otherwise downloaded) but don't have the ability to have a user hook up the device by USB to mac/pc directly to extract then import the data because of the missing info you require? what is done and what is outstanding?
    thanks in advance


  • Mark Watkins

    Mark Watkins - 2014-08-03

    @DLy, thankyou.. Any chance you could grab a copy and paste of the log window.. I don't have access to the software on my main workstation (Mac).. :)

    @urbanscribe: The .spo2 file importer for Spo2Review software exports has been done..

    2.. USB is a serial port, but these devices emulate old school RS232 serial COMM ports. I just received some logs about that now I need to examine closely and see how the protocols are different from the old ones..

    3.. all good.

    4..not ready yet.. sorry.

    5.. Yes, You can import spo2 files in the GIT source version right now.. It will feature in the upcoming 0.9.7 release. By itself, unless I make some progress with the other stuff too. Which now I might have some luck with having access to some dumps :)


    Last edit: Mark Watkins 2014-08-03
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