
Them element mages

  • Potman

    Potman - 2008-11-29

    Flame and Ice mage, I mean. They're pretty similar, I reckons, and not all that different from a regular wizard. So here's an overhaul suggestion:


    Flame mage:
    - Can advance to expert in twoweapon and saber. Starts with a normal, non-silver, saber. Also Firewall is a saber too, instead of athame.
    - Learns Flaming Swords technique at level 3, that imbues any bladed weapon wielded with fire damage, dealing double damage to all creatures without fire resistance for a while. Can walk on lava without any harm from level 18. Can protect inventory from fire damage from level 5.
    - Candle of Eternal Flame increases all fire damage when lit, and can summon up to three fire elementals when invoked, instead of just one. It doesn't give cold resistance, though.


    Ice mage:
    - Can only advance to basic in twoweapon, but expert on healing. Starts with a spellbook of Healing, instead of the random spellbook.
    - Learns water walking on level 15. Also learns a Healing Water tech at level 3, that regenerates hit points in similar manner than Draw Energy regenerates power, but also requires a water source. Holy water heals a great amount. Can also protect inventory from cold and water damage from level 5.
    - Doesn't get a Storm Whistle as a quest artifact, but a Frozen Mirror: It confers warning, increases all cold damage, and freezes monsters when applied at them unless they're cold resistant ("The [monster] freezes upon seeing its reflection!") - that includes you. When invoked, it summons up to three water elementals.
    - All cold damage doubles during full moon, but halves during new moon.


    This also calls some new mages:

    Rock Mage:
    - Starts with the same equipment as the other mages: Quarterstaff, food, scrolls etc. Has a wand of digging. Can advance to expert in Matter (obvious), attack, and quarterstaff. Has the spellbooks of Force Bolt, Dig, and a new spell called Earthquake: Works in the same way with Fireball and Cone of Cold (a ray on unskilled and basic, an area spell on skilled and expert), but works only on enemies on ground: Flying and floating and things are unaffected. It also has a chance of digging pits and breaking walls and rock around where it hits.
    - Starts with an umber hulk as a pet.
    - Rocks weigh as little as gems, and can throw them with increased damage and accuracy. Can step around boulders, and they weigh as little as rock would normally, so they can be picked up and thrown around as well.
    - Learns essentially the same techniques as the other two mages, with an addition of Rock Slam at level 9. Can polymorph into umber hulk at level 7. At level 10, gains tremorsense: sees all walls, pits, and holes automatically three squares from the mage, blind or not, as well as gains a permanent telepathy, but only to all monsters that touch the ground. Can dig through walls and ground without a tool at level 14, with the same speed as pick-axe does (Use #force command on walls and floor to dig through if autodig isn't on), and can always avoid pits and holes.
    - The first sacrifice gift is a quarterstaff named Rocksmasher, that has a +3 to hit and +20 to damage, and can dig around like a pick-axe.
    - The quest is similar to the other mages, quest leader High Rock Mage, quest nemesis Wind Mage, yadda yadda. The quest artifact is a drum of earthquake named Planet Splitter, and it confers warning, increases the damage of Earthquake spell, range of Dig Spell, and extends tremorsense to up to seven squares instead of just three.


    Storm Mage:
    - Starts with the same equipment as the other mages, minus the weapon. Has wands of lightning and speed monster. Can advance to expert in Matter (duh), Body, and riding. Also knows martial arts, and can advance to expert in it. Starts with the spellbooks of Shocking Sphere (a new one, but its function should be obvious), Jumping, and Lightning.
    - Starting pet is a saddled leocrotta (!).
    - Starts with intrinsics speed and lightning resistance. Learns pretty much the same techniques as the other mages. Can protect inventory from lightning damage from level 5, polymorph into a baby blue dragon from level 7, and an adult one from level 14. Gains the extrinsic speed as an intrinsic (!) at level 16.
    - The first sacrifice gift is a pair of gauntlets of power named Thunderclap, that give extra lightning damage to unarmed combat when worn, and won't hinder spellcasting.
    - Quest leader High Storm Mage, quest nemesis Mud Mage, yadda yadda. The quest artifact is the storm whistle, that also increases all kinds of lightning damage, and can summon up to three air elementals when invoked.


    Now wouldn't it be cool if someone actually read this stuff and could comment, eh?

  • hjfhgf jhjkgkjg

    hjfhgf jhjkgkjg - 2011-01-14

    storm (metal) mage is already completed and also so is air (poison) mage although I haven't added back (don't know if I can) Flame and Ice mages. I thought about earth mages too. But I think I reached max character limit so I'm not sure if things can be added. I will post when things are almost tested (if I can't get artifact gifts to work I'll post it as is)

  • ozma

    ozma - 2014-05-01

    I wanted to do an earth mage too with scrolls of earth a pickaxe and some spells, I got the prototype (save file) somewhere.

    Right now I am waiting on help to finally release this years long project.

    Lots of changed things in my new build. Storm and air mages (though not the way you described them), new towns, minesend, rivers, and a whole bunch of other things that I added and forgot I added.

  • ozma

    ozma - 2014-05-01

    won't let me edit so I'll say...
    shocking sphere already part of storm mage's inventory as is wand of lightning, gas sphere is air mage's starting spell air mage has no wand, only a rifle and scrolls of stinking cloud.
    Pirate has knives a pistol (6 bullets) pirate shirt and a fedora, plus Booze of course, pet is a parrot or a monkey
    Bard starts with tshirt leather cloak and boots, no weapon, instrument, and fruit (as well as mushrooms because slime_mold refused to cooperate) not sure what pet yet...I'm trying to finally get Bard.des to compile to 5 brd-*.lev files

  • ozma

    ozma - 2016-08-18 it! so nice ideas for the flame and water mages, after I get the whole "shebang" of my new version to work those ideas for flame and ice mages sound really good. Rock/Stone/Earth mage (not sure what to call it yet although there are already 2 R's so stone or earth would be better) earth mage would be ideal but then one would have to change the PM_EARTH_MAGE to something else. I got a modified wizard mode archeologist that is my earth mage already. I want to make dynamite destroy iron bars so (since I also have convict) you won't be screwed if there are too many bars to make a daring escape from a tough monster situation. Only thing I would change is use the drum of earthquake code as the spell of earth quake or use a blessed scroll of earth code for the spell. Oh and with the mages they can already polymorph to their dragon versions so I guess if you didn't want stone dragon to be the polymorph form you could always do Xorn or Umber Hulk there in the code (get notepad++ and search all files of the source for flame_mage or ice_mage and you'll find where the polymorph form is listed.


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