
#145 Would like to see tags in tag-clouds, and HoF


I realize tagging on Slashdot is still beta, but when
it's closer to un-beta, it would be neat to see

a) tag clouds, both for the site and per-user

b) a "tags" subsection in the HoF. Specifically, I'd be
curious about ...
- the top few taggers by sheer numbers (top 10 seems a
bit much, but maybe top 5?)
- the top few taggers by unique tags
- most-frequently used tags, sitewide (and for that, I
really would like to see 10 of them -- and could do
without the administratively useful ones like spelling
/ dupe).

Like everything else on Slashdot, though, I realize
these are subject to gaming / abuse. But tagging and
following the flow of tag-clouds is addictive enough
that (I think) it would make up for this.


  • Timothy Lord

    Timothy Lord - 2006-04-27

    (my tag cloud of a few days ago on librarything, now outdated.)

  • Jamie McCarthy

    Jamie McCarthy - 2006-04-29
    • assigned_to: nobody --> jamiemccarthy

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