
#2739 Messages Deleted Too Soon

Messaging (110)

It's not terribly significant, but messages seem to be
deleted after 12-13 days, not the 15 days that is
specified at the top of the page.


  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2003-12-16

    Logged In: YES

    Are you sure about that? Maybe you are seeing 12-13 days from
    when you read a message, rather than when it was sent? The code
    is pretty straightforward, deleting messages from the message_web
    table where TO_DAYS(NOW()) - TO_DAYS(date) > 15.

    I can leave a message in my queue next time I get one and see
    how long it takes to delete. :-)

  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2003-12-16
    • priority: 5 --> 3
  • John D. Wilkinson, III

    Logged In: YES

    I had one dated 12/3 that went away sometime yesterday
    (12/15). I noticed it late last night, so likely after midnight
    GMT. It seems about a day sooner than an off-by-one
    misperception on my part could account for. I think that I
    remember a similar issue before the time limit was changed
    from 15 to 30 days (i.e., messages being deleted after 28
    days or so).

    Yeah, this is not anything like a serious problem. I'll try to pin
    down the next message, as to deletion time, but it won't be
    for another four days or so.

  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2003-12-16

    Logged In: YES

    You are johndiii on Slashdot? I just want to make sure I've got you,
    so I can look at the messages you have there now, and can note
    when they delete, look at their current dates, etc.

  • John D. Wilkinson, III

    Logged In: YES

    Yes, I'm johndiii on slashdot (UID 229824). I have another
    question concerning my account; is it OK to e-mail you (don't
    want to impose on your time)?

  • John D. Wilkinson, III

    Logged In: YES

    Well, all of my old messages were deleted somtime between
    3am (CDT) Saturday morning and 1am Sunday morning. I had
    26 new messages. Has the limit been lowered (it used to be
    55 or so, correct?)? So I can't say if the message that I was
    watching was deleted too soon (it would have been last night
    or today sometime). If this is a deliberate change, it would
    be really nice to know before it happens. Thanks.

  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2003-12-31
    • assigned_to: pudge --> cmdrtaco
  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2003-12-31

    Logged In: YES

    Yes, the limit is 25 messages (the message_web_maxtotal var).

  • John D. Wilkinson, III

    Logged In: YES

    Thanks. I'm waiting on the next deletion time, which should
    be coming up tomorrow night (for a message dated 12/20).

  • John D. Wilkinson, III

    Logged In: YES

    A saved message from December 20 was deleted last night,
    exactly as it should have been for a 15-day time period. It
    appears that this issue was either a mistake, or has been
    fixed. Thanks for your time and attention.

  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2004-01-05
    • status: open --> closed-works-for-me
  • Chris Nandor

    Chris Nandor - 2004-01-05

    Logged In: YES

    Thank you for the followup.


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